Live Birth Criteria Save Lives

USAID partnered with the Government of Kazakhstan to change the definition of a live birth.
“We are incorporating patient feedback into our trainings. I received USAID training and now I know it’s essential to have constant communication with pregnant women and to listen to them often.” – Zhanam Shaihceamovna, Gynecologist

BEFORE: This child, born in Kyzylorda, weighed only 700 grams (24.69 ounces) when she was born in 2009. USAID supported the introduction of WHO live birth criteria and helped train neonatal intensive care units. Under the old criteria, newborns less than 1,000 grams were considered dead.  Thanks to these new birth standards and USAID’s neonatal training, this child was given a chance at life.

AFTER:  Since USAID assisted the Kyzylorda Health Department, survival rates for premature babies have improved by 14 percent. Each region in Kyzylorda now has a neonatal intensive care unit, supported by local government. This premature baby, born weighing 1.7 kg, is thriving under the watchful eye of trained health care staff.

Live Birth Criteria Save Lives [PDF 84.22 KB]
Last Updated: 02-20-2013