United States Department of Veterans Affairs

South Texas Veterans Health Care System (STVHCS)

Community Nursing Home Program (CNH)

Nursing home care may be provided in the community at VA expense in a VA approved contract nursing home. Duration of Placement is dependent on Veteran's eligibility. Patients must be medically stable and without infection before transfer to the nursing home. A seven-day supply of prescriptions may be provided by VA pharmacy and any appropriate durable medical equipment must accompany the Veteran when transferred. The need for nursing home placement is a multi-disciplinary assessment and the medical record should reflect this in either the progress notes or discharge summary. The team social worker will place the consult for placement and placement can only occur after eligibility has been assessed and the ACOS GEC has authorized placement.
Patients imminently terminal will not be transferred to a nursing home. Veterans discharged to a nursing home are under the care of the private nursing home physician and only appointments for specialty care should be made at the time of discharge. All routine medical care is per the nursing home physician. A social worker and the community health nurse provide follow up while the Veteran is on VA contract placement. For assistance with a community nursing home placement, please contact the Veteran's team social worker.