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    Contact Us

    Immunization Branch
    Central Office
    1100 West 49th Street
    Austin, Texas 78756

    Phone: (512) 776-3711
    Fax: (512) 458-7288

    TVFC Provider Enrollment Fax: (512) 776-7743

    ASN Provider Enrollment

Immunization Branch


Information for...

VacTxFlagFlu Season Resources

Visit our 2014-2015 Influenza (Flu) Season page for resources and information to help keep you and your loved ones healthy this season.

Infant Immunizations

To learn more about how you can protect babies with vaccinations, visit one of our infant immunizations pages:

Infants          Providers-InfantVaccines

Proteja a sus bebés. Cada vacuna cuenta.Información en Español

Adolescent Immunization Information:

To learn more about adolescent immunizations, see our Preteen Vaccines page.


Vacunas para los preadolescentes – información en español

Health-care providers:




Informational Microsites:

CollegeVaccineRequirements.com - Your source for information on MCV4 vaccine requirements



Pertussis (whooping cough) prevention through vaccine coccooning

Flu vaccines for pregnant women

Importance of vaccines at any age; types of vaccines adults need; vaccine safety

Benefits of using ImmTrac to track vaccines; how to register with ImmTrac


(archival version)

Importance of childhood vaccines; information on vaccine-preventable diseases; informational videos



new10 Steps to Starting a Vaccination Clinicnew

Vaccine Services

Last updated October 15, 2014