John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis

Enhancing scientific discovery and problem-solving through integrated research.

Center Overview

Achieving the USGS Science Strategy Through Organizationally Supported Integrated Analysis

The U.S. Geological Survey is defined by a long and proud history of serving society by providing vital knowledge of natural resources.  The great western geological and geographical surveys of the King, Powell, Wheeler, and Hayden Expeditions advanced scientific discovery and exploration and inspired the formal establishment of the USGS. Today, as the USGS continues the tradition of scientific inquiry and providing relevant science, it recognizes society’s changing needs by implementing new and innovative processes to combine and apply scientific understanding to resolve significant and complex issues, as outlined in the USGS Science Strategy. The Powell Center serves as a catalyst for innovative thinking in earth system science research by providing scientists from different backgrounds a place and time to focus on multi-faceted issues. Why? Working together in concentrated work sessions promotes absorption of new ideas and fosters debate among colleagues with different perspectives. Tete-a-tete meetings, lacking common distractions, promote synthesis of ideas that cannot be readily achieved through conference calls or online collaboration. Examples from the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), after which the Powell Center is modeled, show that providing a place and time for scientists to engage in collaborative activity changes the way knowledge is produced (Hackett et al., 2008). NCEAS has transformed the science of ecology with hundreds of publications with high citation rates, and prompted hundreds of scientists to become enthusiastic supporters of collaborative and synthetic efforts. The Powell Center bridges geographic and disciplinary distances and sparks interactions that turn mature information into understanding. The Powell Center‘s success will raise the profile of the USGS with cutting edge, high visibility publications. The Powell Center is a scientist-driven institution where leveraging existing research efforts produces powerful new insights and moves scientific understanding and its inclusion into management forward at an accelerated pace.

Powell Center Operations

Staff includes co-directors, and administrative, IT, and computing support.  The directors are advised by a Science Advisory Board (SAB) with three-year rotating terms. The Powell Center Directors report to the USGS Executive Leadership Team (ELT), which has the opportunity to endorse Working Group proposal choices selected by the SAB. Annual reports of Powell Center accomplishments are presented to the ELT.

Working Group Activities

Working Group sitting at a conference table

Powell Center Working Groups come together around information related to complex questions or phenomena. Supported proposals promise tangible progress in a field of study, and brainstorming workshops are not supported. Much of the actual project work is done at each individual Working Group member’s home institution for the duration of the project. Most Working Groups meet at the Powell Center more than once during the project life to discuss ideas, apportion responsibility, synthesize information, compare results, and write. Principal Investigators assemble the Working Group in advance. Support with technical aspects, including data management, occurs in advance of the initial Working Group meeting.

Science Advisory Board (SAB)

The SAB is comprised of 10 scientists from USGS and other federal agencies, selected for their critical and broad analytical skills. The SAB provides advice on goals and directions of the Powell Center and reviews proposals for Working Groups. SAB members serve three year terms. Nominations are open for new board members each December. Nominations may originate from anywhere within USGS, and candidates are evaluated by the current SAB for their scientific capabilities and experience with group synthesis activities.

Informatics and Computing Staff Support Services

Bar graph

The Powell Center informatics and computing staff coordinates with the designated Working Group data manager to determine and accommodate technical needs. The staff provides data support and assistance managing, merging, and querying large data sets. Upon proposal approval, Working Group members are provided with online collaborative tools to ease preliminary discussions and data sharing prior to meeting at the Powell Center. Powell Center supported interdisciplinary studies require sharing and integrating disparate data resources to understand complex issues. Developing sophisticated data integration methods and processes to address Powell Center Working Group data needs advances informatics capabilities and scientific acuity across the USGS.

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Page Last Modified: Monday, January 07, 2013