Online Subscriptions  & Stars & Stripes Newspaper

Groves Music Online

user: alconbury - password: alconbury)

Newsbank Infoweb

user:  alcohs - password: !dodea)

Archive of Americana (Historical Collections of books, phamphlets, newspapers, etc.); Access World News; America's News Magazines

· SIRS Knowledge Source

(user:  alcohs - password: !dodea)

Social Issues Resource Series; special databases on government and arts & humanities


user:  alconburyhs - password: ebsco)

provides mutliple online resources to include Sirs, Sirs Decades, Culture Grams, eLibrary, History Study Center, ProQuest Learning Literature, ProQuest Professional Education

Granger's World Of Poetry

user: dodea - password: dodea)

Includes over 8000 poems, biographies, anthologies, and a glossary

The Stars & Stripes newspaper is now available online. You may download directly from the web at :

The library staff download daily Issues to the Newspapers folder in the Alconbury Student Common Drive for your covenience.