Job Search Agent

Letting us do the searching for you:

You can use the Job Search Agent on USAJOBS to receive email notices of new IRS vacancies. First, you must create an account. Simply:


  • Click on "MY USAJOBS" in the main navigation.
  • Click on "Create Your Account Now!"
  • Complete the form and click on the "Submit" button.

Now you are ready to create a Search Agent.
TIPS: You must have:

  • Your Social Security Number
  • An email address
  • An electronic copy of your resume

If you are logged in to USAJOBS:

  • Click on "My Job Search Agents."
  • Click on "Create New Agent."

Now you are able to create a profile to receive IRS email notices.

  • "All" for the Location Search
  • "Job Categories"
  • "Occupational Series"
  • Under "Agencies," choose: Internal Revenue Service.

Once you have completed your Search Agent, click on "Save Agent."

You can create up to five Search Agents - and, each one will send you email notices when a job listing matches your job criteria.

This page was last updated on January 23, 2012.

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