Press Releases

Feb 13, 2013

Bill Seeks To Protect Rural Water

Issues: Energy

"Without these services, safe and clean water for rural communities and small municipalities throughout Mississippi would be put in jeopardy," Harper said.

Feb 12, 2013

Harper Responds To State Of The Union

Issues: Economy & Jobs, Energy

"A true all-of-the-above energy approach must balance investments in renewable technologies with increases in domestic oil and natural gas production. By doing so, America can decrease its reliance on Middle Eastern oil, stabilize fuel prices and build a steady supply of American energy."

Feb 6, 2013

Lawmakers Aim To Improve EPA Mandate

Issues: Economy & Jobs, Energy, Transportation

"The agency’s current method for calculating these fuel standards leaves America’s energy suppliers with two options: pay government penalties or buy government credits," Harper added. "Either way, the cost is likely passed through to consumers who are already paying high gas prices."

Feb 5, 2013

Harper Refiles Disabilities Proposal

Issues: Economy & Jobs, Education, Disabilities

"In order for individuals living with intellectual and developmental disabilities to reach their maximum potential, Congress must enact a systems change," said Harper, a third-term lawmaker and longtime champion for the disabilities community. "The current federal disability laws are hopelessly outdated and will ultimately lead to unemployment and poverty for these children."

Jan 3, 2013

Harper Enters Third Term

“Sidney and I are so humbled by the trust that our friends and neighbors have placed in our family to represent their conservative values,” said Harper, who resides in Pearl with his wife of 33 years and their two children, Livingston and Maggie. “I will continue to advocate for sound federal policies that balance necessary reforms with healthy government oversight.”

Dec 21, 2012

Harper Bill Heads To President

“While this information is of value to insurance actuaries, it has been little to no use for consumers, for whom it is primarily intended,” said Harper, a second-term lawmaker representing Mississippi’s Third Congressional District. “This bill is another step in peeling back outdated and unnecessary rules that businesses must deal with on a daily basis.”

Jul 23, 2012

House Clears Harper-Owens Deregulation Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill today that removes an obsolete federal mandate requiring the distribution of a booklet reporting motor vehicle insurance costs. The bipartisan legislation, introduced by U.S. Reps. Gregg Harper (R-Miss.) and Bill Owens (D-N.Y.), eliminates the mandatory printing of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) annual booklet entitled, “Relative Collision Insurance Cost Information.”

Jun 28, 2012

Harper Responds To High Court's Health Ruling

Issues: Health Care

“While I have great respect for the Supreme Court, I am tremendously disappointed in this ruling. This decision expands the power of the federal government and leaves citizens with fewer freedoms. Only a full repeal of this overreaching law will allow Americans to receive the care that they need, from the doctors that they choose, at a cost that they can afford.”

Jun 7, 2012

Subcommittee Moves Harper Auto Bill

“This simple and bipartisan bill, if passed, would show that Congress is serious about efforts to alleviate burdensome and unneeded regulations on businesses across the country,” added Harper. “The president states that it is a priority of his administration to identify and eliminate costly, outdated and unneeded regulations; I say Congress should lead now with H.R. 5859.”

May 14, 2012

Guest Column In Roll Call - Harper: Restraint Guidelines Endanger Children

Every day in schools across the United States, students are being subjected to barbaric and potentially deadly treatment in the form of seclusion and restraint. According to leading education researchers and child trauma experts, as well as the Government Accountability Office, the use of these practices — which include forcibly pinning students to the ground, strapping them to chairs or locking them in closets — is dangerous and traumatic for everyone involved, including teachers, other school personnel and students. Their use has been linked to physical and emotional harm and even death. It is a practice that amounts to institutionalized child abuse, and it has no place in our schools.
