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BG Darryl Williams, Warrior Transition Command Commander, congratulates world class runners Tesfaqe Sendekee, first overall male finisher, and Tezata Dengera, first overall female finisher at the 2011 Army Ten Miler (ATM) footrace. Both athletes competed for the 'I Run for God' (IRFG) team coached by LTC (Ret.) Sue Bozgoz. Each runner as well as additional IRFG runners donated their ATM trophies to WTC's Army wounded warriors.

BG Darryl Williams, Warrior Transition Command Commander, congratulates world class runners Tesfaqe Sendekee, first overall male finisher, and Tezata Dengera, first overall female finisher at the 2011 Army Ten Miler (ATM) footrace. Both athletes competed for the ‘I Run for God’ (IRFG) team coached by LTC (Ret.) Sue Bozgoz. Each runner as well as additional IRFG runners donated their ATM trophies to WTC’s Army wounded warriors.

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