

PS&E to Notice To Proceed Calculator

The following tools assist the designer in creating project and award schedules:

  • Acrobat Icon CPM Tips  (Acrobat, 212 KB) - provides helpful tips to assist designers in developing realistic CPM schedules for their projects
  • Acrobat Icon CPMs Made Easy  (Acrobat, 725 KB) - instructions for developing a proposed construction schedule in Microsoft Project
  • Excel/xlsx Icon PS&E to Notice-to-Proceed Calculator  (Excel/xlsx, 42 KB) - Calculator to determine the number of days required from the delivery of a completed PS&E package to the Contracts Section until a Notice-to-Proceed may be issued for Construction. (Rev. 10/2012)  New

Engineer's Estimates  New

See FLH Engineer's Estimates for more information. The following documentation is available:

  • Acrobat Icon WFLHD EES User's Guide  (Acrobat, 2.14 MB) - Guide to using the Engineer's Estimate System program in WFLHD.
  • Creating SOQ from EES - procedure for taking the text file output (TX1, TX2, etc files) from the Engineer's Estimate System (EES) and creating the final Summary of Quantities (SOQ) plan sheet.

The Excel/xlsx Icon Fuel Escalation Worksheet  (Excel/xlsx, 30 KB) calculates the asphalt and fuel adjustments.

Use the Excel/xlsx Icon WFLHD Incentives Adjustments Worksheet  (Excel/xlsx, 16 KB) to calculate the incentives required in the Engineer's Estimate.

File Name Generator

The File Name Generator provides filenames that follow the WFLHD naming convention.

Roadway Geometry

The following spreadsheets are intended to assist Highway Design professionals in completing lines and grades. All results should be verified by a Professional Engineer. Unless otherwise stated the spreadsheets make use of AASHTO's A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (the Green Book). Submit questions and commments to the address at the bottom of this page. All spreadsheets are provided as-is.

Superelevation and Runoff Lengths

Calculates superelevation rates, runoff lengths, and optional spiral lengths for a given radius.

Curve Widening

Calculates curve widening for various design vehicles.

Excel/xlsx Icon Profile grades  (Excel/xlsx, 23 KB) - calculates grades, "K" values, and design speeds. (Rev. 9/2012)

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