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Reports by Topic: Education

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Energy Workforce Trends and Training Needs in Appalachia
December 2011
Regional Technology Strategies, Inc., with Penn State University
This study uses national data to project future supply and demand for occupations associated with the energy industry in Appalachia, and the number of people enrolled in and graduating from programs in the Region’s institutions of higher education.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (5.1 MB)
Green Schools and Sustainability in Appalachia: Case Studies in Rural Practice
March 2011
Rosenfeld, Stuart; Broun, Dan; Beacham, Chris; Bryant, Jenna; Archer-Rosenthal, Dana; Baker, Rose; Passmore, David; Riley, Dave; Liston, Cynthia
Regional Technology Strategies
This report highlights preliminary findings from the study "Energy Workforce Trends and Training Requirements", including case studies of college and university energy programs.
Abstract & Report Contents Report in PDF (2.0 MB)
Evaluation of the Appalachian Regional Commission-Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Institute for Math/Science/Technology
March 2006
Simkin, Linda and Valerie Futch
Academy for Educational Development
This March 2006 report describes some of the key immediate and long-term outcomes achieved by the Appalachian Regional Commission–Oak Ridge National Laboratory Summer Institute for Math/Science/Technology for student and teacher participants.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (337 KB)
Educational Attainment in Appalachia
July 2004
Haaga, John
Population Reference Bureau
This paper focuses on what Census 2000 data reveal about the persistence of regional differences in high school completion and tertiary education.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (300 KB)
Evaluation of the Appalachian Regional Commission's Vocational Education and Workforce Training Projects
January 2002
Westat Corporation
This study examined 92 projects, including workforce and displaced-worker training, vocational education, apprenticeships, and basic and adult literacy projects that were started and completed during the 1995–2000 period.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (1.3 MB)
Collected Case Study Evaluations of the Appalachian Regional Commission's Educational Projects (Vol. 2)
March 2001
Westat Corporation
This volume reports the lessons learned from eight best-practice case study evaluations in which local stakeholders were asked to identify project-related lessons they had learned from the projects.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (500 KB)
Evaluation of the Appalachian Regional Commission's Educational Projects: Final Report (Vol. 1)
March 2001
Westat Corporation
This report evaluated the implementation and impact of 84 education projects funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission during the 1990s.
Abstract & Report Contents Full Report in PDF (900 KB)