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Sex-Based Charges
FY 1997 - FY 2012

The following chart represents the total number of charges filed and resolved under Title VII alleging sex-based discrimination.

The data are compiled by the Office of Research, Information and Planning from data compiled from EEOC's Charge Data System and, from FY 2004 forward, EEOC's Integrated Mission System.

  FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012
Receipts 24,728 24,454 23,907 25,194 25,140 25,536 24,362 24,249 23,094 23,247 24,826 28,372 28,028 29,029 28,534 30,356
Resolutions 32,836 31,818 30,643 29,631 28,602 29,088 27,146 26,598 23,743 23,364 21,982 24,018 26,618 30,914 32,789 32,149
Resolutions By Type                                
Settlements 1,355 1,460 1,988 2,644 2,404 2,720 2,877 3,008 2,601 2,828 2,900 2,842 2,748 3,138 3,200 3,073
  4.1% 4.6% 6.5% 8.9% 8.4% 9.4% 10.6% 11.3% 11.0% 12.1% 13.2% 11.8% 10.3% 10.2% 9.8% 9.6%
Withdrawals w/Benefits 1,205 1,148 1,269 1,332 1,321 1,304 1,329 1,347 1,418 1,460 1,443 1,646 1,701 1,774 1,780 1,768
  3.7% 3.6% 4.1% 4.5% 4.6% 4.5% 4.9% 5.1% 6.0% 6.2% 6.6% 6.9% 6.4% 5.7% 5.4% 5.5%
Administrative Closures 11,127 10,056 8,747 6,897 6,391 5,819 5,484 5,052 4,188 4,409 4,304 4,563 5,701 5,727 5,728 5,433
  33.9% 31.6% 28.5% 23.3% 22.3% 20.0% 20.2% 19.0% 17.6% 18.9% 19.6% 19.0% 21.4% 18.5% 17.5% 16.9%
No Reasonable Cause 17,832 17,493 16,689 15,980 15,654 16,752 15,506 15,481 13,853 13,191 12,036 13,670 15,139 18,709 20,660 20,454
  54.3% 55.0% 54.5% 53.9% 54.7% 57.6% 57.1% 58.2% 58.3% 56.5% 54.8% 56.9% 56.9% 60.5% 63.0% 63.6%
Reasonable Cause 1,317 1,661 1,950 2,778 2,832 2,493 1,950 1,710 1,683 1,476 1,299 1,297 1,329 1,566 1,421 1,421
  4.0% 5.2% 6.4% 9.4% 9.9% 8.6% 7.2% 6.4% 7.1% 6.3% 5.9% 5.4% 5.0% 5.1% 4.3% 4.4%
Successful Conciliations 332 454 535 707 739 686 520 491 454 437 439 382 407 475 510 500
  1.0% 1.4% 1.7% 2.4% 2.6% 2.4% 1.9% 1.8% 1.9% 1.9% 2.0% 1.6% 1.5% 1.5% 1.6% 1.6%
Unsuccessful Conciliations 985 1,207 1,415 2,071 2,093 1,807 1,430 1,219 1,229 1,039 860 915 922 1,091 911 921
  3.0% 3.8% 4.6% 7.0% 7.3% 6.2% 5.3% 4.6% 5.2% 4.4% 3.9% 3.8% 3.5% 3.5% 2.8% 2.9%
Merit Resolutions 3,877 4,269 5,207 6,754 6,557 6,517 6,156 6,065 5,702 5,764 5,642 5,785 5,778 6,478 6,401 6,262
  11.8% 13.4% 17.0% 22.8% 22.9% 22.4% 22.7% 22.8% 24.0% 24.7% 25.7% 24.1% 21.7% 21.0% 19.5% 19.5%
Monetary Benefits (Millions)* $72.5 $58.7 $81.7 $109.0 $94.4 $94.7 $98.4 $100.8 $91.3 $99.1 $135.4 $109.3 $121.5 $129.3 $145.7 $138.7

* Does not include monetary benefits obtained through litigation.

The total of individual percentages may not always sum to 100% due to rounding.

EEOC total workload includes charges carried over from previous fiscal years, new charge receipts and charges transferred to EEOC from Fair Employment Practice Agencies (FEPAs). Resolution of charges each year may therefore exceed receipts for that year because workload being resolved is drawn from a combination of pending, new receipts and FEPA transfer charges rather than from new charges only.

Definitions of Terms

Historical Data