Fermilab History and Archives Project
Fermilab Business Services Section

Travel Services
Know Before You Go

Travel Policy Additional Information

Use of personal time- combined official business and personal travel | When vacation/personal leave is combined with a business trip, travel is reimbursed only when it is clearly established that the business travel is the primary consideration. Use of personal time while on business travel must be clearly indicated on the TA/Expense Voucher. Personal days must be approved before purchase of Airline Tickets and trip approval. Travelers will be responsible for any additional costs incurred resulting from use of indirect route or stops for personal reasons. These are unallowable costs and may not be charged to the Laboratory.

Foreign travel personal leave policy | Personal leave in conjunction with official work will be granted on a two business days to one personal day ratio (2:1), travel days to and from business location will be considered business days.

Domestic travel personal leave policy| When personal days exceed business days for domestic travel, the Division/Section/Center approved Travel Authorization requires further approval from the Laboratory Chief Operating Officer before tickets can be issued.

Step 1 - Know Before You Go Policy, Authorization to Travel, Travel Card Program, Fermilab Travel Profile Express, Emergency Travel Assistance, Travel Alerts, Travel Safety, Fermilab Laptop Security, Types of Travel, Airline Baggage Policy Step 2 - Plan Your Trip Plan Your Trip Step 3 - Post Trip Post Trip

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Travel Policy


The intent of the travel policy is to effectively plan, book and reimburse travelers for their travel expenses within DOE guidelines and procedures.  Fermilab complies with the policies and regulations of Fermi Research Alliance, LLC (FRA), and the Federal Travel Regulations. Conducting Fermilab business using DOE funds during vacation is not allowed.  Detailed information about the Federal Travel Regulations can be referenced at this GSA site.  Any travel reimbursement processed through Fermilab will be paid under the limits in this policy regardless of the ultimate source of funding.


All official Laboratory travel must have prior approval.  If approval is not obtained before departure, travelers may be liable for the expenses incurred. You must use the Laboratory Travel Authorization Form for trip approval.


All official travel expenses submitted for reimbursement must be adequately supported with purpose of travel and must include all required justification for travel.


Use of vacation time while on business travel must be clearly indicated on the TA/Expense Voucher. Vacation days must be approved before purchase of Airline Tickets and trip approval. Travelers will be responsible for any additional costs incurred resulting from use of indirect route or stops for personal reasons. These are unallowable costs and may not be charged to the Laboratory.


Fermilab maintains a Travel Office (WH4SE) for the purpose of making business travel arrangements for employees and users.  Travel arrangements must be made through this office in order to comply with DOE  contractual travel management policy. Exceptions to this must be justified by the employee's supervisor and approved by the Division/Section/Center Head and the Chief Operating Officer. The services of this office include reservations for planes (and ticketing), hotel, and car rental. The traveler will reserve the limousine service to and from the airport using the Fermilab approved company (details furnished by the Travel Office).


Tickets must be charged on the Lab's airline central billing account. (Travelers may not charge tickets to individual credit cards).


The Travel Office maintains a record of all unused airline tickets to be used on subsequent business itineraries and before the expiration date of the ticket.


To maximize savings, the use of Non-Refundable airfares is recommended. These fares are considerably less expensive than refundable unrestricted fares. In most cases, if the travel must change or the  trip cancels all together, the funds can be used as a credit toward future travel, less a service charge imposed by the airline.


Trip Cancellation
In the event that you must cancel your trip. You must contact the Travel Office to notify cancellation of any part of the trip that is booked through this office.  You are responsible for canceling all travel arrangements in compliance with the terms of the Airline, Hotel, Limousine, etc. If you fail to cancel, you may be held financially responsible for charges.


Trip Changes
For your protection, any change to your travel plans should be made directly with Omega World Travel.  This will ensure compliance with the Fermilab travel policy.  If you are out of town and must call after regular business hours for Emergency travel assistance please call (800)-285-6342.  On-site Travel Office normal business hours are from 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. 


Same Day travel changes & lab policy on standby fees.


Standby charge is permissible when:

  • When enroute and considering change for return flight or onward
    continuing flight.
  • Minimum of 2 hours time savings is shown
  • Not exceeding a $75.00 standby charge from origin to destination.

Airlines require same date and city pairs/connection as shown on the original ticket.


Special flight-changing privileges are offered to elite frequent fliers
***No fees should be charged if you are involuntarily placed on a different flight from the one you purchased


A brief note on the expense voucher will be required for reimbursement of such charges.


American Airlines
United Airlines


Travel Profile
Travelers are also requested to complete a traveler profile, which helps staff to provide faster and more accurate service.


Fermilab Profile Express


Excess baggage charges are not reimbursable unless the employee is transporting Laboratory equipment or if the planned period of absence necessitates extra baggage. See Airline Baggage Policy.


Your Guide to the Laboratory's Policies and Procedures

