Fermilab Travel
Fermilab Business Services Section

Fermilab Travel Services Travel Services
A Complete Guide to Fermilab Official Travel


New Visa Agreement Between US and Russia
In accordance with an agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States of America, effective September 9, 2012 US citizens can receive multiple-entry business, homestay/private, humanitarian and tourist visas valid for up to 3 years and allowing a stay of up to 6 months per visit. -MORE-

Extended Domestic Assignments
Change in DOE reimbursement policy for Domestic Extended Assignment
As of May 23, 2012 domestic extended assignments over 30 official consecutive days will be reimbursed as follows:
Days 1-30: Lodging and Meals and Incidentals (Per diem) will be reimbursed at the Federal per diem rate
Day 31-up to end of Assignment: Lodging and Meals and Incidentals (Per diem) will be reimbursed at 55% of the Federal per diem rate.
Please see attached Cost Estimate/Travel Authorization /Voucher spreadsheet created solely for this purpose

Fermilab On-Site Long Term Parking Employees or Users who are going out of town on business travel and leaving their vehicles on site for several days or longer should refer to the Fermilab Long Term Parking Policy

2013 standard mileage reimbursement rate
The Internal Revenue Service and the General Services Administration have issued the 2013 standard mileage reimbursement rate for non Government owned vehicles. It is 56.5 cents per mile, effective Jan. 1, 2013

8-10-12 Changes have been made to the Travel Authorization / Expense Voucher Spreadsheet. Please use the latest TA version for all new upcoming travel requests. ver. 2007


Use of Vacation Time- Combined Official Business and Personal Travel


• When departing from Russia, new requirements are needed. See Foreign Entry Requirements for more information.

Tips for Safe Travel

Passport/Visa Processing Agent: TRAVISA webpage

For Travel Alerts, visit the U.S. State Department.

Breaking News . . .

Visit Omega World Travel