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Friday, April 15, 2011



Budget Conference Call for CNCS Grantees, Tuesday, April 19



I would like to invite you to participate in one of two conference calls on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at either 11:00 am or 2:00 pm EST to discuss the Continuing Resolution that will fund CNCS for the remainder of fiscal year 2011 which Congress is voting on today.

While we will not have all the specifics about the implementation of the bill at that point, we want to share what we know and answer your questions.  Please see the details for the calls below.

Thank you for the vital work you do on behalf of our communities and our nation everyday.  I look forward to talking with you on Tuesday.

All the best,

Patrick Corvington

CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service

Budget Conference Calls for CNCS Grantees and Stakeholders

 When:  Tuesday, April 19, 2011

 Time:  11:00 am or 2:00 pm Eastern

 Call In Number and Passcode:

  • 11:00am Eastern – call-in number: 1(800) 779-1474, passcode: 3378160
  • 2:00pm Eastern – call-in number: 1 (800) 779-1474, passcode: 3378160

The content covered will be the same for both calls, so please feel free to join either call. They will be recorded for those who are unable to join.

Lois Nembhard, Deputy Director

AmeriCorps State & National

Corporation for National & Community Service (202) 606-6827

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