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Thursday, May 06, 2010



CNCS Disaster Services Integration


Dear Colleagues in Service:

As you know, the Corporation has been undergoing a great deal of change to implement the Serve America Act and to enhance our program delivery and customer service. Recently, our CEO, Patrick Corvington, decided to integrate the CNCS Office of Emergency Management (OEM) into AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC). This integration will streamline our disaster preparation, mitigation and response activities as well as integrate NCCC response activities with those of the Corporation’s other programs. Our original intent was to phase in this integration over the coming months; however communities across the South are in the midst of multiple disasters. It is especially critical at this time that we are explicit in our lines of communication and support for disaster response and relief. The purpose of this email is to identify responsible Corporation headquarters personnel for you to contact in regards to our disaster functions when an event takes place. The integration described below is effective immediately.

Primary CNCS Disaster Functions

We have learned many lessons since Katrina, the foremost being that the most significant disaster response and relief occurs at the regional, state and local levels. The structure described in this email is not intended to replace existing lines of communication and support that exist below the CNCS headquarters level. CNCS headquarters functions are focused on those coordinating mechanisms that can support the field efficiently and quickly. These primary functions include:

  1. Coordination of internal and external CNCS disaster partner relationships
  2. Management of the cooperative agreement process
  3. Management of the CNCS staff disaster cadre
  4. Management of CNCS response under FEMA Mission Assignments
  5. Communication of CNCS-related activities in times of disasters

The streamlining of CNCS disaster functions does not alter ongoing administrative or structural relationships you may have with your primary CNCS program contact or office. The disaster services team within NCCC will work specifically and narrowly as a coordinating unit to ensure that cross program and office communication and resources are flowing appropriately to support the field in times of disaster. NCCC will not receive additional funding for these responsibilities.

Structure of CNCS Disaster Functions within NCCC

Strategic Direction: Mikel Herrington, the Acting Director of NCCC will work with his colleagues to ensure that all of the Corporation’s programs are engaged in disaster response activities and that those activities are aligned with the Corporation’s priorities.

Management Oversight: Charles Davenport, NCCC Director of Projects and Partnerships. Charles will supervise integration of the Corporation’s disaster services as part of his unit’s activities. He will fulfill the role of senior manager and direct the execution of CNCS disaster services tasks from within his unit.Support staff who will coordinate disaster relief functions will reside in Charles’s unit. The staff is listed below.


Kelly DeGraff: Kelly will serve as primary coordinator of Corporation disaster functions on a day-to-day basis. Kelly will be responsible for partnership outreach and communication. She will coordinate day-to-day relationships with internal partners including Corporation state offices and external partners, including federal partnerships, major non-profit partnerships, state service commissions, and others as identified by CNCS. She will serve as POC for the internal CNCS Disaster Cadre and the cooperative agreement process that supports our response through our grantees and partners. Kelly will maintain her role as NCCC POC for internal NCCC disaster response and coordination with the regional campuses.

Kelly should be your first point of contact with questions for CNCS headquarters regarding our disaster functions.

Office phone: (202) 606–6817
Cell: (202) 355-2014

Phil Shaw: Phil will be responsible for implementation of the CNCS staff disaster cadre and of the CNCS cooperative agreement process with grantees. Phil will support the development and implementation of potential FEMA mission assignments. He will take the lead in collecting data regarding disaster activities and providing recommendations for adjustments and mid-course corrections.

Phil will serve as Kelly’s backup regarding questions you may have about the Corporation’s disaster functions. If for some reason you cannot reach Kelly, you should contact Phil.

Office phone: (202) 606-6697
Cell: (202) 491-2305

Colleen Clay: Colleen will focus on program impact and assessment, including the development of a set of performance measures that will inform the direction CNCS takes in the field of disaster services.

Office phone: (202) 606-7561

The streamlining of CNCS disaster functions will enable the Corporation to provide stronger support to our partners in the field as you respond to critical needs that occur in times of disaster. We will continue to work with you to refine our processes and activities so that our support is continually enhanced.


Kristin McSwain
Chief of Program Operations
Corporation for National and Community Service

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