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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

CONTACT: Amy Borgstrom
Phone: 202-606-6930


AmeriCorps State and National Update


Message from Acting Director Lois Nembhard

Thanks to all of you who were able to attend the grantee meeting in September. It was a productive and learning-filled week. This Update includes information that was distributed at that meeting for those who were unable to attend. Presentation and materials from the meeting can be found here. We continue to work hard to ensure that we can all move successfully through this exciting and challenging time, and appreciate your patience and commitment to our continued growth in service.

Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act Update

Fifteen working groups, an executive steering committee, and a day-to-day management team continue to work on Serve America Act (SAA) implementation. You will find the latest SAA Update here. We continue to develop national performance measures and determine fixed-amount grant maximum cost per Member Service Year (MSY) and will distribute that information in November.

You will find attached a list that outlines when the provisions of the SAA take effect and FAQs on Fixed-Amount grants. Please review carefully and share with your subgrantees and stakeholders. In particular, note that provisions related to serving more than two terms of service will not become effective until the Trust rulemaking is complete. All current rules and regulations regarding the maximum number of terms still apply.

2010 Competitions

eGrants is now open for applications. You will notice the following new elements in the e-Grants screens: The eGrants NOFAs from which you select now include a NOFA for State and National Fixed-Amount Grants. State and National EAP applicants should use the appropriate Fixed-Amount Grant NOFA. There is no longer a separate eGrants NOFA for EAPs. All applicants will select an eGrants NOFA from the following list:

  • AmeriCorps Indian Tribes FY 2010 (Continuation)
  • AmeriCorps Indian Tribes FY 2010 (New)
  • AmeriCorps Indian Tribes Planning FY 2010
  • AmeriCorps National Direct FY 2010 (Continuation)
  • AmeriCorps National Direct FY 2010 (New)
  • AmeriCorps National Fixed Amount Grants FY 2010 (Continuation—for current EAP grantees only)
  • AmeriCorps National Fixed Amount Grants FY 2010 (New)
  • AmeriCorps States without Commissions FY 2010 (New and Continuation)
  • AmeriCorps Territories FY 2010 (New and Continuation)
  • Commission AmeriCorps State FY 2010 (Also use for State Planning Grants)
  • Commission Fixed Amount Grants 2010 (New and Continuation)
  • AmeriCorps National Planning FY 2010

Fixed-Amount Grants in eGrants

When you work within the Fixed-Amount eGrants NOFAs, you may still see “EAP” on the screen. Please disregard this title; the Fixed-Amount State or National eGrants NOFA is correct to use for all Fixed-Amount grant applications including EAPs.

Performance Measures in eGrants

Please note that the “Add Service Categories” and “Add a Performance Measure,” options are currently disabled. These options are disabled so that we can develop new Serve America Act priority selection options on this page. On October 22, the SAA priority options, service categories, and performance measures will be operational. You will not be able to submit your application until you complete the Serve America Act priority selection, service categories, and performance measure screens, later this month. However, you will not be required to enter and submit performance measures until the application clarification period.

Notice of Intent to Apply for All AmeriCorps State and National Competitions

This information was inadvertently omitted from the Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity. If you intend to apply for an AmeriCorps State and National Grant, please send an e-mail at least 60 days prior to the deadline (November 26, 2009) to for National applicants, or americorpsapplications@ for state commissions. State Commissions should indicate the number of applications they intend to submit under each NOFA: Competitive, Fixed-Amount, and Planning.

Although submission of the notice of intent to apply is not mandatory, your e-mail will help the Corporation to plan more efficiently for review. In your e-mail, include the name of your organization, address, contact person, and phone number, and specify “Planning Grants” in the subject line. Or, you may mail a letter of intent to:

Corporation for National and Community Service
ATT: AmeriCorps State and National Planning
1201 New York Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20525

Single Competition

The grantee working group on the new combined competition has drafted a form that it will be encouraging State Commissions to provide to multi-state programs and grant applicants interested in operating in their states. As you recall, the Serve America Act requires multi-state applicants to describe in their grant applications how they consulted with State Commissions.

Use of this form is not required by CNCS, but the working group hopes that the use of this form will facilitate the consultation process. You will soon be able to find the form here on the website of ASC, the state service commission association. It will also be posted on the Resource Center.
The members of the working group are available if you have questions. They are:

The web pages for State Commissions, National Programs, and a list of National Grantees by the five Serve America Act Priorities have now been posted on the Resource Center. Click on “AmeriCorps Grantee Meeting” and you will find the links for these three documents under the“Working Together to Promote Service as a Solution” session.

Admin-PDAT-Disability Applications

We will open eGrants for Admin-PDAT-Disability applications as soon as possible. State Commission Admin, PDAT, and Disability applications will be due Tuesday, November 3 at 5 p.m. ET. You can find the draft application instructions here. We do not expect significant difference between the draft and the final approved instructions, therefore, please go ahead and draft your application so you will be able to make any modifications necessary and then submit once eGrants is open. If there is an unanticipated delay in clearance, we will consider postponing the deadline accordingly.

State Commission annual progress reports on PDAT and Disability are also due November 3 at 5 p.m. ET. You will find the reporting questions, which are the same set of questions we used last year, attached to this Update.

New Deadline, Eligibility, and Funds Available for Planning Grants

State Commissions may now submit state competitive planning grants to the Corporation for consideration. You will find the Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity and Application Instructions here. State, National, and Indian Tribe Planning grants are due January 26, 2010.

Please note that this is a change from the previously published deadline for National Planning and Indian Tribes Planning.

Please apply using the following eGrants NOFAs:

  • National Planning FY 2010
  • Indian Tribes Planning FY 2010
  • Commission AmeriCorps State FY 2010

Planning grants in the commission formula portfolio will count against the aggregate maximum cost per MSY as usual. Competitive planning grants will not. State Commissions may keep 1% of the 5% administrative funds allowable for these grants as outlined in the Instructions for State Commissions.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Reporting

Reporting in

Congratulations to all of you who successfully submitted your first quarterly reports via Program and Grants Officers will be reviewing the reports in preparation for final certification by October 30, 2009. If you make additional changes in your report after your initial submission, please notify your Program Officer in order to coordinate the review. Your Program Officer and/or Grants Officer may contact you to confirm information, or to let you know the report has been opened for revision.

Progress Report Spreadsheet

October 30, 2009 is the first quarterly reporting deadline for the ARRA Progress Report which will cover the period through Sept. 30, 2009. On Friday, October 10, you should have received an Excel Reporting Workbook with a customized spreadsheet that includes your measures.

Please let us know if there are measures on which you think you need to report that DO NOT appear on the spreadsheet or measures on the spreadsheet that you think are not part of your final agreement.There were many rounds of changes on these measures and, while we attempted to ensure the correct set made it into these spreadsheets, it is possible we made mistakes.

Also please note that “Grantee Name” must be entered in the demographic information tab. Once entered here, it will populate the other fields in the spreadsheet. Thank you very much for your patience in participating in this new reporting procedure.

Complete your report, save it as described below and send the report back to your Program Officer via e-mail by 5 pm ET October 30, 2009.

State Commissions: Save your report as: Your State Initials_ARRArpt_9-30-2009

National Directs: Save your report as: Your GrantID#_ARRArpt_9-30-2009

ARRA Audits

You can find a PowerPoint presentation that outlines how the ARRA grants will be audited here.

OMB Memorandum on ACORN

For your information, the Office of Budget and Management issued the following bulletin on October 8, 2009 (rescinded March 16, 2010 – updated bulletin). It specifies that government agencies may not fund ACORN or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or allied organizations during the period of the continuing resolution (CR). In addition, Federal grantees should not fund ACORN or its affiliates, subsidiaries, or allied organizations during the CR. You should expect this prohibition to continue with your FY 2010.

iParticipate Launches on October 19

The Entertainment Industry Foundation, Hollywood’s leading charity, is mobilizing the entire entertainment community around its i-Participate campaign, which promotes a new way of thinking about service and seeks to motivate millions more Americans to volunteer regularly. As a centerpiece, from October 19 through 25, 2009, ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, and other broadcast networks will spotlight service through scripted programming, special segments, and PSAs during this week-long television event. More than 90 shows will participate. EIF has also launched a dedicated website, to make it easier than ever for Americans to find volunteer opportunities in their own communities. You can find documents to use as part of your own media outreach here.

Welcome to New Staff in the Office of Government Relations

We welcome Becky Claster who has joined Director Rhoda Glickman in the Office of Government Relations. The Office of Government Relations serves as the CNCS liaison with Congress, as well as governors and mayors. If you invite elected representatives to your events, or create press opportunities with elected official involvement, please let Becky know. This information is useful when staff contact Congressional and other offices. Becky’s e-mail address is Please include your program officer in these communications.

AmeriCorps State and National Financial and Grants Management Institute

There are still a few spaces available for the Financial and Grants Management Institute to be held in New Orleans on November 17-19. The online registration site with all the information about the Institute is, and a flyer is attached to this Update.

The registration deadline is October 23 and the hotel reservation deadline is October 26. This is the only financial and grants management training event that is planned for FY 2010. The Office of Grants Management will have grants officers available for individual consultation. Program officers and other Corporation staff will be in attendance as well.

Planning for MLK Day 2010

You will find attached a message from the Public Affairs team on planning for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in 2010.

Dates to Remember

  • November 3, 2009
    Admin-PDAT-Disability deadline
  • November 17-19, 2009
    AmeriCorps Financial Management Institute
  • January 10, 2010
    ARRA 1512 Quarterly report due
    ARRA FFR due
  • January 18, 2010
    MLK Jr. Day of Service
  • January 26, 2010
    Planning Grant Deadline
    State and National Competitive deadline
  • January 30, 2010
    ARRA progress report due
  • January 31, 2010
    Admin, PDAT, and Disability FFRs due
  • May 1, 2010
    Notification Date Estimate for Planning Grant Competitions
  • May 9-15, 2010
  • Early June, 2010
    Notification Date Estimate for State and National Competitions
  • July 6, 2010
    Latest date for State Formula submissions  

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