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Monday, January 26, 2009

Lois Nembhard
Acting Director
AmeriCorps State and National


AmeriCorps State and National Customer Satisfaction Survey


Dear Colleagues,

By now you have received an electronic message from the CFI Group, LLC (, inviting you to complete the AmeriCorps State and National Customer Satisfaction Survey. We really appreciate that 40% of State Commissions and 31% of National grantees have already responded. If you have not yet completed the survey, please take a few moments to fill it out. It is important that we hear your feedback. The survey will close within the next month.

The survey is designed so that we can better understand your experiences as AmeriCorps grantees, particularly about your level of satisfaction with the dynamics of our program and the services that we provide. We will use the survey results to identify specific areas for improvement and to strengthen our relationship with you.

Thank you again for participating in our improvement efforts and for your commitment to service. Your voice will be heard, and it will be reflected in the work of AmeriCorps and in the Corporation for National and Community Service as a whole. If you have any questions regarding this survey or have not received a survey, please contact Brooke Nicholas at

Yours in service,

Lois Nembhard
Acting Director
AmeriCorps State and National


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