To enable Javascript in Internet Explorer:

1. Go to Tools and choose Internet Options

sample screen of IE internet options

2. Choose the Security tab and make sure Internet is highlighted

sample screen of IE security tab

3. Click on Custom Level and scroll down to Scripting

sample screen of IE custom Level scrolled down to scripting

4. Ensure that the choices: "Active Scripting", "Allow paste operations via script" and "Scripting of java applets" are all set to enabled.

5. Click OK twice

To enable Javascript in Netscape 8:

1. Go to Tools and choose Options

sample screen of netscape options

2.Choose Site Control and then Site List

sample screen of site control and site list

3. Highlight "I trust this site"

sample screen of highlited trusted site

4. Check the boxes "Enable Javascript" and "Enable Java" [see image above]

5. Click OK

To enable Javascript in Mozilla Firefox:

1. Go to Tools and choose options.

sample screen of firefox options

2. Choose Content and make sure that "Enable Java" and "Enable Javascript" are checked.

sample screen of firefox Content with Java and Javascript selected

3. Click Ok.