
  • USAID supports organizations like Alfalit, which teaches Angolan students to read

  • A nurse Huambo checks a patient and her baby before prescribing anti-malarial drugs.

  • USAID supports clinics that improve the health of Angolan mothers and their children.

  • Farmers in Huambo who have received loans for production of improved varieties of Irish potato talk about their experience

A nurse in a local clinic in Huambo Province, Angola, checks a patient and her baby before prescribing anti-malarial drugs.
A Better Cure for Angola’s Children
Local activists explain to a mother in Mbanza Congo, the capital of Angola’s Zaíre Province
Partnering to Save Lives With Bed Nets
Residents of communities such as Andulo, Angola, have found ways to use their knowledge of producing honey to generate income.
Finally Making Money Making Honey


Angola's low level of human development is at odds with its potential for economic prosperity, considering the country's wealth of natural resources. Much of this paradox is explained by the social disruption and physical destruction caused by 27 years of civil war. As sub-Saharan Africa's second largest oil producer and with its tremendous agricultural potential, Angola could become a powerhouse for regional trade and investment. In Angola USAID focuses on strengthening good governance, increasing economic opportunity and improving the delivery of social services.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

USAID/Angola Mission
+244 222 641 000
+244 222 641 262

Headquarters Contact

Julie Fitzgerald
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Mission Director

Last updated: August 17, 2012

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