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PocketChart FAQ

PocketChart™ FAQ

1.  What is a PocketChart™?
2.  What is the value of a Pocket Chart for the boater?
3.  How does NOAA distribute Pocket Charts?
4. Who can be a publisher/partners?
5. What will be provided to publisher partners?
6. What does a publisher owe NOAA?
7. What investment is required?
8. What is this arrangement NOT?
9. How do I become a publisher partner?

10. Which NOAA charts will be available as PocketCharts™?
11. Since PocketCharts™ are a NOAA product, will a publisher be identified anywhere on the product?
12. Concerning the Agent Agreement: Will the publisher partner be identified anywhere on the product?
13.  Concerning the Agent Agreement: To what extent will NOAA be involved with an agent's marketing and distribution?
14. Concerning the Agent Agreement: To what extent can the Agents influence changes and improvements in the PocketCharts?
15. Where can I get help if I need it?

1. What is a PocketChart™ pocketchartdescription

PocketChart™ is a special-purpose map, compiled by NOAA, for beginning recreational boaters. It has a much-reduce image of a NOAA nautical chart on one side; and safety, boating, and educational information on the reverse. It is a locator, not a "NOAA nautical chart" used by regulated vessels to meet carriage requirements under 33 U.S.C. 164.33 and elsewhere. 

The PocketChart™ is an official NOAA product that is compiled by NOAA, and then printed and distributed by publisher partners.  (Back to Top)

2.  What is the value of a Pocket Chart for the boater?

The PocketChart is an eye-catching, inexpensive, introductory charting product.  Beginning boaters can use it as a locator, helping them answer their two most frequent questions:  "Where am I?" and "How do I get to....?  They can use it to learn about an area where they will be boating.  It will also help increase their safety and boating enjoyment through the educational information included on the back. That information is different for each chart. (Back to Top)

3.  How does NOAA distribute Pocket Charts?

NOAA works with private-sector publishers of all sizes. Publisher partners establish their own networks of retailers, or other methods of selling the PocketCharts™. NOAA compiles plotter-ready files each time a chart changes. Those plotter-ready files will be sent electronically to the publisher who then prints them and fulfills the order. The publisher is paid from the sale of the product to the retailers.  (Back to Top)

4. Who can be a publisher/partners?

The intent is to let every credible applicant who is willing to comply with NOAA’s terms and conditions become a publisher/partner. Those terms and conditions are posted on this web site.  (Back to Top)

5. What will be provided to publisher partners?
  • Use of the NOAA, business-to-business electronic commerce site (www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov) for placing orders and initiating the generation of the digital files.
  • Digital, plotter-ready files of the PocketCharts™, along with order information (who placed the order, how many copies, where to ship to…).
  • Names and addresses of NOAA’s chart agent network. Publishers are not limited to this distribution channel, and are encouraged to develop other outlets.
  • Use of the NOAA brand, with control by NOAA, including use of the NOAA emblem.
  • Results from NOAA’s market investigations concerning this product.
  • Required equipment identification.
  • Recommended paper designation and a source for the paper.
  • A 1-page, NOAA product announcement that publisher partners can use as a promotional item.  (Back to Top)
6. What does a publisher owe NOAA?

Compliance with the terms and conditions is required. NOAA may spot check your products and other activities to insure compliance. You must also pay NOAA 10 cents (10¢) per copy sold.   (Back to Top)

7. What investment is required?

You must purchase your own printer and materials. The required plotter is the Hewlett Packard, CP2800 Business Inkjet. This plotter should cost less than $700. The approved paper is yet to be specified.

You must invest in developing your own distribution channel, establishing and negotiating your own terms and conditions with retailers (charges for shipping and handling, return privileges, delivery delays, …). You must also invest your time to print, sell, and fulfill orders, and to manage your business.  (Back to Top)

8. What is this arrangement NOT?

This arrangement is NOT an opportunity for you to:

  • Get money from the government;
  • Design a new product or have the government design a product for you;
  • Get unrestricted use of government chart files.   (Back to Top)

9. How do I become a publisher partner?

The terms and conditions are posted on this Internet site. Fill out the required information, sign and date the document, and send it to the indicated address. If you are accepted as a publisher partner, NOAA will notify you, and an account will be established for you on www.nauticalcharts.noaa.gov. Congratulations – you are in business.  (Back to Top)

NOAA will provide you additional information explaining how to place orders, download files, purchase the required printer and paper, and other helpful material.  (Back to Top)

10. Which NOAA charts will be available as PocketCharts™?

A current list of the 1000+ NOAA charts available as PocketCharts™ is posted on this site.  (Back to Top)

11.  Since PocketCharts™ are a NOAA product, will a publisher be identified anywhere on the product?

Each publisher will be identified on the chart-side of the product. Our preferred method to do this is for us to include in the files we provided the statement “Published by <your business name>, <your contact information>,” with a limit of about 50 characters.  (Back to Top)

12. Concerning the Agent Agreement: Will the publisher partner be identified anywhere on the product?

It is NOAA's intention to have the publisher's name and contact information included on each PocketChart printed if you provide us with that information.  (Back to Top)

13. Concerning the Agent Agreement: To what extent will NOAA be involved with an agent's marketing and distribution?

It is intended that Agents have sole control over their distribution channel and market development. However, advertising and the use of the NOAA logo do require some NOAA oversight as described in the Agent Agreement.  (Back to Top)

14. Concerning the Agent Agreement: To what extent can the Agents influence changes and improvements in the PocketCharts?

NOAA is open to suggested improvements based on your experience in the marketplace. However, no promises are made as to incorporating suggested improvements, and any improvements made in the product will be provided to all publisher partners.  (Back to Top)

15. Where can I get help if I need it?

It is assumed that each publisher partner is knowledgeable enough to run a small business. NOAA is not able to offer business advice.

It is also assumed that each publisher partner is knowledgeable enough to operate the equipment and follow the guidance in the instruction manuals. NOAA is not able to offer training, equipment installation and debugging help, or explain how to use the Internet including FTP transfers of data.

For information on the publisher partnerships and the PocketChart™ business or information on the digital files, the NOAA-developed software, and plotting, please use Chart Inquiries (questions/comments). 

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