Nonproliferation & Disarmament

Date: 11/19/2010 Description: Destruction of Arms in Africa © UN Image

Preventing the spread and use of nuclear weapons is an enormous security challenge, and there is no more urgent threat to the United States than a terrorist armed with a nuclear weapon. Nuclear weapons materials are stored in dozens of countries, some without proper security. Nuclear technology is spreading. Iran continues its illicit nuclear program , and North Korea’s nuclear weapons program is destabilizing to the region and an urgent proliferation concern. President Obama is working on multiple levels to address these dangers, including through work to strengthen the global nonproliferation and disarmament regime, deal with those states in violation of this regime, and uphold our obligations to work constructively and securely toward the goal of a world without nuclear weapons.

The United Nations plays an important  role in this regime, particularly through the Review Conferences held every five years under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. The next Review Conference in 2010 is an opportunity to strengthen all nations’ adherence to the global non-proliferation regime for the 21st century. The successful 2009 Preparatory Committee has helped lay the groundwork for the  Review Conference in 2010 with the goal of advancing  nonproliferation and disarmament.

10/07/11  Remarks on Progress Since the 2010 Washington Nuclear Security Summit