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Pandemic Influenza  
Latest News  

Jan 9
New Item NEWS SCAN: NY Times critiques H5N1 studies, H5N1 in India, totally drug-resistant TB, flu and cancer

Dec 20
New Item US government urges journals to omit details of two H5N1 studies

New Item Preparedness report card spells out programs at risk for cuts

Dec 15
New Item Study suggests statins reduce deaths in severe flu infections

New Item GAO report, executive rule target drug shortages

Dec 13
New Item Novartis says cell-based flu vaccine facility ready to produce

Dec 8
New Item NEWS SCAN: EU rule on pandemic vaccines, shorter regimen for latent TB, skewed infection-control efforts, gastroenteritis outbreak

Dec 7
New Item New clinical research consortium to tackle pandemic threats

Nov 17
New Item H5N1 transmission experiment stirs concern

Nov 10
New Item UK unveils tiered flu pandemic plan

New Item NEWS SCAN: Emergency alert aftermath, polio hot spots, cholera in Haiti, more vaccine-autism debate

Oct 6
New Item BARDA: Many biodefense products to mature within 5 years

Oct 4
New Item NEWS SCAN: Prime-boost vaccination for H5N1, public health squeezed, unvaccinated students barred

Sep 30
New Item Study suggests 1918 flu waves were caused by 'distinct' viruses

Sep 26
New Item Study: Few states advance ethics guidelines for pandemics

New Item NEWS SCAN: Sick leave in Seattle, flu vaccine in kids with cancer, malaria in Greece, AAP vaccination guidance, hospital-acquired infections

Sep 22
New Item Preparedness law renewal proceeds with minor tweaks

Sep 20
New Item Autopsy study leaves severity of fall 1918 pandemic wave a mystery

New Item CDC sees steady progress on state, local preparedness

Sep 15
New Item NEWS SCAN: Flu death in kids, births after 1918 pandemic, ground turkey Salmonella cases, flu activity, virulent H1N1-H5N1 combo, flu from pigs, cytokine storm discovery

Sep 14
New Item Nation's first public health department accreditation launched

Sep 9
New Item 'Contagion' portrays extreme but not impossible scenario

Sep 7
New Item State funding a concern after decade of preparedness gains

Aug 26
New Item FLU NEWS SCAN: Flu-shot priority groups, 1918 pandemic flu transmission, recombinant swine flu virus, flu immune response

Aug 25
New Item FLU NEWS SCAN: Preparedness goal comments, H1N1 in newborns, H5N1 VLP vaccine

Aug 24
New Item FLU NEWS SCAN: Presymptom H1N1 transmission, peds hospital pandemic gaps, H1N1 in students, reusing N-95s

Aug 22
New Item NEWS SCAN: Narcolepsy and flu, 1918 pandemic deaths, H5N1 seed strain, H1N1 and indigenous groups, measles update

Aug 18
New Item NEWS SCAN: 2009 H1N1 virus reassortant, H7N7 as potential pandemic virus, rising legionellosis cases, cholera in Cameroon

New in This Section  
New Item Epidemiological isolation causing variable mortality in island populations during the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic
From Influenza Other Respi Viruses, published online Jan 6

New Item Changing perceptions: of pandemic influenza and public health responses
From Jan Am J Public Health

New Item The 1918-19 influenza pandemic in Boyaca, Colombia
From Emerg Infect Dis, published online Dec 28, 2011

New Item Differential mortality rates by ethnicity in 3 influenza pandemics over a century, New Zealand
From Emerg Infect Dis, published online Dec 28, 2011

New Item The receptor binding specificity of the live attenuated influenza H2 and H6 vaccine viruses contributes to vaccine immunogenicity and protection in ferrets
From J Virol, published online Dec 21, 2011

New Item The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza: a systematic review of the scientific evidence
From Influenza Other Respi Viruses, published online Dec 21, 2011

New Item Press statement on the NSABB review of H5N1 research
From NIH, released Dec 20, 2011

New Item Editor-in-Chief Bruce Alberts on publication of H5N1 avian influenza research
Response from Science to above statement, posted Dec 20, 2011

New Item Ready or not? Protecting the public's health from diseases, disasters, and bioterrorism
Trust for America's Health report released Dec 20, 2011

New Item Journalists' views about reporting avian influenza and a potential pandemic: a qualitative study
From Influenza Other Respi Viruses, published online Dec 17, 2011

New Item The risk of engineering a highly transmissible H5N1 virus
Editorial from Biosecur Bioterror, published online Dec 16, 2011

New Item Pandemic influenza vaccination: lessons learned from Latin America and the Caribbean
From Vaccine, published online Dec 11, 2011

New Item Critical immune and vaccination thresholds for determining multiple influenza epidemic waves
From Epidemics, published online Dec 7, 2011

New Item A home toolkit for primary prevention of influenza by individuals and families
From Dec 2011 Disaster Med Public Health Prep

New Item Health care workers' ability and willingness to report to work during public health emergencies
From Dec 2011 Disaster Med Public Health Prep

New Item Relationship between "purulent bronchitis" in military populations in Europe prior to 1918 and the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic
From Influenza Other Respi Viruses, published online Nov 27, 2011

New Item The impact of workplace policies and other social factors on self-reported influenza-like illness incidence during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic
From Am J Public Health, published online Nov 17, 2011

New Item Changing perceptions of pandemic influenza and public health responses
Commentary from Am J Public Health, published online Nov 17, 2011

New Item Safety and immunogenicity of two different doses of a vero cell-derived, whole virus clade 2 H5N1 (A/Indonesia/05/2005) influenza vaccine
From Vaccine, published online Nov 12, 2011

New Item The UK influenza preparedness strategy 2011
UK Department of Health report released Nov 10, 2011

New Item WHO: Confirmed Human Cases of Avian Influenza A (H5N1)
Updated frequently