Release - Rokita Votes to Freeze Bloated Federal Employee Pay, Override Obama-Ordered Raise

February 15, 2013         

Contact: Zach Zagar
Phone: (202) 225-5037


Rokita Votes to Freeze Bloated Federal Employee Pay, Override Obama-Ordered Raise


(Washington, D.C.) - U.S. Rep. Todd Rokita today released the following statement after casting his vote in support of the Federal Employee Pay Freeze Act, H.R. 273, which passed the House of Representatives with a 261-154 vote.

            “I voted today to freeze the pay of not only a federal workforce that earns an average salary and benefits exceeding $120,000, nearly double that of the private sector, but also the pay of the Vice President, the President’s Cabinet and Members of Congress. 

“It was irresponsible of the President to order pay raises for the federal workforce last year when we continue to rack up more debt on top of the $16.5 trillion we owe.  It was immoral of the President to placate supporters with the future earnings of our children and grandchildren.  I call on the President to be a leader by getting serious about addressing our $16.5 trillion in debt and $100 trillion in obligations due in the years and decades to come.”

This legislation was introduced to reverse an Executive Order issued by President Obama last December.  The Executive Order raised federal salaries in addition to salary increases given for promotion or length of service through the federal employee General Schedule pay scale system.
