Contributing Data

Getting Started

Data Submission Procedures

In order to submit data you must do the following:

  1. Read the FITBIR Policy
  2. Complete the required Data Submission Request.
    Note: The person responsible for collecting the data is typically the Principal Investigator. Alternatively, it could be a co-Investigator who is responsible for data coordination for the study. The person who signs the form will create the FITBIR Study.
  3. Scan and save the signed Data Submission Agreement.
  4. Request FITBIR account (if you already do not have a FITBIR account) to submit data. FITBIR account requests are reviewed and typically approved within 2 days.
    1. Click the LOG INTO FITBIR button on the FITBIR homepage
    2. Click Request Account link
    3. Fill in required fields. Be sure to select "Study"" permission under Account Privileges
  5. Log in to FITBIR
  6. Create a FITBIR Study - This will serve as the virtual container for research data
    1. Complete the required fields
    2. Under Approved Data Submission Document section, upload the signed Data Submission Request
  7. Once the Study request is submitted, it will be sent to an administrator for review. You will receive an email notification upon approval or rejection of this request.