Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL

Neutron Science In the News – 1999

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Our Views: Bipartisan state, federal support for SNS necessary

Oak Ridger, 12/20

The success, thus far, of the Spallation Neutron Source project is the product of a solid show of bipartisan support at the state and federal levels.

Gore helps launch SNS construction

Oak Ridger, 12/16

Vice President Al Gore said, “Today we're putting America on the path to reclaim our leadership in the neutron scattering technology that we invented in the United States of America.”

Gore breaks ground for SNS

Oak Ridger, 12/15

“Nearly (three) years ago I was proud to stand here and announce a proposal for the first year payment to build the most advanced spallation neutron source in the world, to open the floodgates of brand new research and innovation,” said Gore...“Well, today we're breaking ground on that pledge.”

Our Views: Here’s hoping Gore trip will lead to more funding

Oak Ridger, 12/14

The next big hurdle, of course, will be the request from the Clinton administration for the federal budget for fiscal year 2001.

Gore to be here for SNS again

Oak Ridger, 12/10

If all goes as planned, Vice President Albert Gore will help continue the saga of the Spallation Neutron Source.

Budget for 2000 (pretty) final

Oak Ridger, 12/07

Lab officials had requested $187 million to begin construction of the Spallation Neutron Source...

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Science chairman objects to SNS action

Oak Ridger, 11/24

The Department of Energy has not lived up to its agreement with the House Science Committee and should not have released construction money for the Spallation Neutron Source project, U.S. Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., said Wednesday.

Wamp preaches teamwork, positive attitude

Oak Ridger, 11/22

“We didn't do that badly (in funding). We still have more work to do, specifically Y-12 and SNS need immediate attention,” Wamp said, referring to the Department of Energy’s Y-12 weapons plant and the Spallation Neutron Source project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Partial funding comes through for SNS

Oak Ridger, 11/19

Managers of the project, a research accelerator to be built near the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, have met five stipulations set by Congress to receive this year's allocation. So the Department of Energy released $68 million of $117.9 million approved for the research project.

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