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Congressman Roger Williams

Representing the 25th District of Texas

In Honor of Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle

Feb 8, 2013
Press Release
Submitted to the Congressional Record

"Mr. Speaker,

Today I join my colleagues in the United States Congress in honoring the life and legacy of Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle.

Every warrior has a story…Chris Kyle had a legend.   Throughout our history, America’s military has been served by many but shaped by only a few. From Washington to Petraeus, from Porter to Nimitz, a few great individuals have changed the way we fight wars and the way we view warriors.  Now we can add the name of Chris Kyle to that elite list.

For ten years, this Texas native served his country as a member of Seal Team 3.  Along the way, he set the standard for all snipers.  Though his innate humility prevented him from talking about the number, Navy records confirm that Chief Kyle successfully took out 160 enemy combatants—the highest number in American military history. 

He did it over the course of many years—he served four tours in Iraq during his career.  And he did it in difficult circumstances and over long distances—he once perched himself on top of a baby’s crib for hours in a house…and another time he gunned down an enemy combatant from 1.2 miles away. 

No matter the challenge, Chris Kyle always met it  No matter the odds, he always overcame them.  

Chief Kyle’s incredible courage as a warrior was matched only by his extraordinary grace as a man. 

This was a man of faith who believed God had a plan for him. 

This was a man of family of who knew being a husband and a father were his important tasks. 

And this was an American who thought that his country was worth fighting for and even dying for.

Chief Kyle didn’t like to talk about the number of enemies he killed; instead, he would say, I’d like to be known “for the people I saved.”  And so he is.

He saved so many, more than we will ever know.  And he never stopped trying to save people, all the way to the last seconds of his life.

Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle has left us; but his legacy remains.  The people of Texas are rightfully proud of this native son; and the people of America rightfully mourn this national hero. 

The US Navy Seals have a motto: “the only easy day was yesterday.”  No one personified this more than Chief Kyle. Each day was a new challenge; and each time, it was met with courage and conviction, with devotion and dedication.

Chief Kyle’s mission is completed; his tour has ended.  Now, the work of carrying on his legacy remains for all of us.

May we always try to live up to the standard of courage set by this great and gallant man…and may we never forget his service and sacrifice.

May God bless Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle and his family."

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