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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Monk Seal

Monk seals occasionally come ashore on Marine Corps Base Hawaii beaches and shorelines.

  • Hale Koa Beach
  • Pyramid Rock Beach
  • North Beach
  • Fort Hase Shoreline
  • Puuloa
  • Marine Corps Training Area Bellows (MCTAB)

In the event a monk seal appears on any of the aforementioned beaches or shorelines, do NOT approach them, but notify any of the following MCB Hawaii personnel:

Natural Resources Manager
(808) 257-7000
BioScience Technician 
(808) 216-7135
Conservation Enforcement Officer
(808) 216-5178
Animal Control Officers
(808) 257-1821
Military Police  (if you can’t reach any other POC)
(808) 257-2123


The Threatened and Endangered Species Act and its amendments impose severe penalties (fines and jail sentences) if a person intentionally harasses or harms a T&E monk seal.

If a monk seal comes ashore, all persons and pets must remain at least 50 feet away from them.

If a monk seal is active in a surfing area, all surfing activity must cease until the monk seal departs the area.

Do not attempt to feed or give them water.

Do not harass, e.g. yelling to monk seal, trying to feed them, throwing things at them, poking them or in any manner annoying or disturbing them.   Any attempt to do so could result in a fine, arrest, or both.