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an Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Process
PACS/EPIC Mooring array
Image: The PACS/EPIC mooring array shown in relation to the September 1998 Reynolds' SST and ECMWF wind stress.

The TAO/EPIC Project
As part of the Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes' (EPIC), the 95�W TAO/TRITON line has been enhanced with extra sensors and moorings to monitor heat, moisture and momentum fluxes, and upper ocean temperature, salinity and horizontal currents from the stratus deck region at 8�S, 95�W through the cold tongue to 12�N, 95�W, north of the intertropical convergence zone. The enhancements began in fall 1999 and will continue for 3-4 years.

Principal Investigator
Dr. Meghan Cronin NOAA / PMEL

Co-Principal Investigator
Dr. Michael McPhaden NOAA / PMEL

EPIC Workshop in Seattle, March 25-26 2002

PACS/EPIC Workshop in Boulder, CO September 15-18, 2003

NRC Postdoctoral Research Opportunity

Workshop on the Application of EPIC2001 Data for Improving and Testing Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Models in Seattle, May 11-13 2005

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