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Sold for Sex Web Ad from the 2013 NCVRW Guide.

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Crime victim service providers work hard to help victims restore their lives. At the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), we understand that this involves a lot of training, time, and resources. If you're looking for more resources to build capacity, help the crime victims you already serve, or collaborate with other agencies to expand your outreach efforts, click on one of the links below.

Collaboration in the Field

OVC Web Forum—Online message board for peer insight and support related to best practices in victim services, featuring monthly Guest Host sessions with nationally recognized experts in the field. Discuss with your colleagues in the field your successes using OVC's Crime Victims PSAs and useful tips on expanding outreach efforts through PSA partnering.

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Provider Resources

Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)—Agency of the U.S. Department of Justice that provides leadership and funding for crime victim services, compensation, training, publications, and research.

Online Directory of Crime Victim Services—International database that assists local service providers in promoting services and connecting with victims of crime.

U.S. Resource Map of Crime Victim Services & InformationU.S. Resource Map of Crime Victim Services & Information—A resource map that links to state-specific resources and organizations.

National Calendar of Crime Victim Assistance-Related Events—interactive Web-based master calendar of events in the crime victim services field. Launched in January 2006, this OVC Web tool allows users to find or submit field events for free.

National Center for Victims of Crime—OVC grantee that produced the 2002 and 2007–2012 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) Resource Guides and assisted with the NCVRW campaign. The mission of the National Center for Victims of Crime is to forge a national commitment to help victims of crime rebuild their lives and is dedicated to serving individuals, families, and communities harmed by crime.

OVC Resource Center—Clearinghouse of information, services, and publications that support research, policy, and victim assistance program development worldwide.

OVC Training and Technical Assistance Center—Provider of quality technical assistance and training resources to help crime victim service providers expand their outreach efforts and build capacity.

Justice Solutions—OVC grantee that produced the 2003–2006 NCVRW Resource Guides and assisted with the campaign. They also created the OVC Crime Victims Public Service Announcements. Justice Solutions is also a provider of information and resources on training, technical assistance, research, and public policy for crime victim service professionals.

Public Service Announcement Partner Kit—Online version of the PSA Partner Kit that was sent to service providers as part of a 2005 campaign. Although the campaign has ended, the contents of the kit are still useful to those who are working on their own PSA campaigns.

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Funding Opportunities

OVC Grants and Funding—Information on funding opportunities for victim service programs.

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Legislative Information

Federal Statutes and Legislation—Links to information and databases for federal bills, guidelines, statutes, legislation, and issues relating to crime victims.

OVC Publications

What Is the Office for Victims of Crime? (HTML)

Crime Victims Fund (HTML)

Report to the Nation 2011 (HTML)

State Crime Victim Compensation and Assistance Programs (HTML)

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August 9th, 1999, I was raped. I felt dirty, and I lost sense of security. Victim assistance helped me with counseling. They helped me write a victim impact statement, and because of that my rapist got 20 years. Nobuko: Photographer, Rape Survivor

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Office for Victims of Crime
810 Seventh Street NW., Eighth Floor, Washington, DC 20531
The Office for Victims of Crime is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.

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