U.S. Army
Civilian Human Resources Agency

Europe Region

What's New in Human Resources

CPOL Portal - Suspense Tickets Guide for Managers - now available
Added 13 Feb 2013

The CHRA Europe has developed a CPOL Portal - Suspense Tickets Guide to assist Supervisors and Command HR staff to manage temporary assignments of their workforce in a timely manner using the CPOL Portal Suspense Tickets tool. A link to the Suspense Tickets Guide is also available on the CHRA-E Homepage under Automation Tools > User Guides > CPOL Portal - Suspense Tickets Guide for Supervisors and Command HR Staff.

Link to the CPOL Portal - Suspense Tickets Guide.

AutoNOA Changes - US Awards/Appraisals
Added 4 Feb 2013

The AutoNOA Team is implementing a couple changes this month to increase the effectiveness of the appraisal/awards application.

1. Effective immediately, the AutoNOA Mass Awards webpage will no longer let a manager "submit" an award request if a current rating/appraisal is not in DCPDS. Previously managers were allowed to submit the award request and then held the RPA until the appraisal/rating was entered.

2. Effective 28-February, AutoNOA will automatically return any performance award RPA submitted through DCPDS back to the manager if a current appraisal/rating is not in DCPDS. The script will enter a remark in Part D stating that a current appraisal is needed.

Thank you for using AutoNOA. Link to AutoNOA.

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