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This year we have a historic opportunity to put our nation on a stronger path. In the first weeks of the 115th Congress, we have already started working to deliver real solutions for the American people. For updates, sign up for my newsletter here:


President Obama’s disgraceful decision puts American lives at risk by sending a clear message that traitors will not be held accountable for undermining our national security, aiding our enemies, and endangering our troops, intelligence officers, diplomats, and allies around the world.

President Obama has commuted most of the 35-year prison term of U.S. intelligence leaker Chelsea Manning, whose disclosures were coveted by then-al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Manning is set to be freed this May after the president's order on Tuesday. The White House indicated in recent days that…
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Honoring Veterans
Honoring Dr. Otis Bowen
Remembering 9/11
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Image may contain: 5 people, people sitting, table and indoor
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Congratulations to Culver Academies’ Black Horse Troop and Equestriennes, who will be marching in the Presidential Inaugural Parade on Friday. This will be the 17th Inauguration for the Black Horse Troop since their first in 1913. These talented students will do a great job representing Hoosiers in the parade!

‪Thanks to all who came out to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at Elkhart Community Baptist Church this morning!

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Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and we renew our commitment to fulfilling his vision. He demanded the full realization of our nation’s promise – equality and justice, truly for all. Our challenge each day is to carry on his legacy and follow his example – to serve our communities, to treat each other with respect, to be voices for the vulnerable, and to keep our hearts open to the spirit of love upon which his dream was built.

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ICYMI: Last week I introduced a bill to ensure VA facilities follow their own rules when it comes to scheduling appointments for veterans. Learn more here:…/


As we work to fix the VA so it works for our veterans, this is a common-sense step we can take to make sure veterans get the care they earned.

Legislation Blocks VA from Waiving Scheduling Rules; Passed House Unanimously in Last Congress

Obamacare is a failed law, and it’s hurting people right now. We have a better way, and we are one step closer to providing relief to families and individuals and enacting reforms that will lower costs, protect patients, and give you back control over your health care.


I just voted to take the first step toward keeping our promise to repeal Obamacare and replace it with real reforms that put patients first. Obamacare is a failed law that is hurting people right now with skyrocketing premiums and dwindling options. Today we set the stage for repeal and a stable transition period toward a better health care system with lower costs, more choices, and strong protections for patients.

Budget Resolution Sets Stage for Obamacare Repeal, Stable Transition to Better Health Care System

With rising premiums, higher deductibles, and fewer options, Obamacare has failed. We are working to repeal this broken law and replace it with patient-centered reforms. That was our promise to the American people, and we’re going to keep it.

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Veterans risked life and limb to keep America safe and free, but too often the VA has let them down and failed to provide the quality, timely care they earned. Today I reintroduced the VA Scheduling Accountability Act to ensure every facility follows the VA’s scheduling rules. Passing this bill would be an important, common-sense step as Congress and the incoming administration get to work fixing the VA so it works for veterans.

Legislation Blocks VA from Waiving Scheduling Rules; Passed House Unanimously in Last Congress

Regulations coming out of Washington cost our economy $1.89 trillion every year and make it harder for businesses to create good jobs. It’s time to get bureaucrats under control and give power back to the people, which is why we just passed the Regulatory Accountability Act. This bill reforms the way federal agencies operate and increases transparency in the rulemaking process so the American people have real input.

I'm proudly shining a blue light in my office window on #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay to honor those who serve and protect. #BackTheBlue

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Congratulations to the 51st Governor of Indiana, Governor Eric Holcomb, and our new Lt. Governor, Suzanne Crouch! They take office at a pivotal time for Indiana, and I know they are ready to get to work to keep our state the best place in the nation for families to live and work. I look forward to working with Gov. Holcomb and Lt. Gov. Crouch to grow our economy and make it so businesses can create good jobs for Hoosiers.

Praying for the victims in Ft. Lauderdale, their families, and the first responders working to keep everyone safe.

My staff will be available at locations throughout the 2nd District this month to assist with federal agency casework and other official business. Check out the schedule to find out when someone will be in your area!

Members of my staff hold office hours at locations throughout the 2nd District to assist constituents with casework and other official business.

In America, the people are supposed to have the final say, not federal bureaucrats. Tonight the House put power back in the hands of the people by passing the REINS Act, which requires congressional approval before costly, job-killing regulations can take effect. Passing this bill is a key step toward changing the way Washington works and getting our economy growing again.

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Visitor Posts
  • Ben C. Ollenburger
    Yesterday at 8:38pm
    Repealing the ACA without a plan in place leaves millions of America...ns without health insurance and, thus, without healthcare. This is a moral outrage. See More
  • Sharon McMullen
    January 15 at 8:25am
    Dear Jackie, Please save the Affordable Care Act. This important net provides millions of Americans with health insurance that they could not otherwise afford, and it protects more Americans with common-sense market reforms. I am a registered nurse with a masters degree in public health and I see on a daily basis how important the Affordable Care Act is to real people. From allowing my friends' grown children to stay on their parents' insurance to age 26, to ensuring no cost-sharing for preventive services like well-woman care and flu vaccines, this law helps Americans. The law could use some improvements so please direct your efforts to that, not repealing it without offering a better alternative. The repeal and delay strategy would be a huge disservice to Americans that need our help. Thank you for serving the people of the United Sates of America. Regards, Sharon McMullen See More
  • Katherine M. Sandvick-Johnson
    January 13 at 8:35pm
    I live in Illinois so I guess my vote doesn't count. But I work people every day who are suffering. I run a food pantry and give referral help to families who are in crisis. Now that you have taken the first step to dismantle ACA, can you please tell me what your first step is that will replace what you dismantle? I am praying that you all know what you are doing? I am praying that your "trust" in don trump is not blind and that people will not suffer from your "first step". I am also very worried and scared. I do not want to insult you Jackie. I know this post will probably not show up on your page but I am hoping that you will read it. I am a 61 year old grandmother with nine grandchildren. I was widowed 21 years ago when my 43 year old husband died because of a doctor who killed him with the wrong medical treatment. My husband was a Vietnam Veteran who served two years in Vietnam. I have struggled most of my life and raised two children alone. Can I ask you what your ideas are on giving this country healthcare that won't break their backs? Can I ask you how you are going to get the insurance companies to stop raping us with their premiums? Can I ask you how you think the so-called competitive rates will stop the insurance companies from raping us? Do you honestly believe they will lower their rates? Please do not keep us in suspense where is the replacement plan? I expect to see big changes in my premiums and soon. I expect to see the millions of people who stand to lose healthcare and health insurance keep their peace of mind. I also want to ask you how you stand on Medicare and Social Security??? Are you backing Sen. Ryan? Are you going to rob and gut both of those programs? Are you going to blame those programs for the mess they are in? Or are you going to tell the truth that the government (mostly Republican Presidents) took money from them and that is why Medicare and Social Security are in the financial trouble they are in? One last question for you in one year from now will we be better off? I am copying this post to you and will re-post in one year. I will either thank you or blame you. Be very careful with your votes because all America is depending on you. Speak to our Lord very carefully and please listen for his guidance. Jesus above all believed in helping people, feeding people, clothing people, curing people without prejudice and without hatred.Please I will pray that you make the right decision and God will help you in that way. See More