Intro to APIs Webinar Tomorrow and Other July Events

A red pen circling a date on a calendar.You need resources and we are here to help! Here are our July events to jump start your agency’s digital gov efforts.

TOMORROW! API Webinar Series: An Introduction to APIs

API’s are an important data element agencies need to address when implementing the Digital Gov Strategy. In this first installment of our API webinar series, experts from NASA and the CDC will explain what APIs are, why they are important, and how they are covered in the Digital Government Strategy. This webinar will be moderated by Gray Brooks, Senior API Strategist at GSA’s Digital Services Innovation Center.

What You’ll Learn

  • What an API is
  • API examples and practices from the private and public sectors
  • What the Digital Government Strategy says about APIs
  • How your agency can get started

When: Thursday, July 19, 10 a.m.-11a.m. EST

Sign up for free!

July 25: Mobile Webinar Series: Mobile First

In this second webinar in our mobile webinar series, you’ll learn how to get your agency thinking “mobile first.” The Department of State and NIH’s National Cancer Institute will share their “mobile first” experiences in a webinar moderated by Gwynne Kostin, director of GSA’s Digital Services Innovation Center.

What You’ll Learn

  • How a “mobile first” approach can support device–agnostic content delivery—as called for in the recently released Digital Government Strategy
  • How to cultivate a “mobile first” approach in your agency
  • How challenges, lessons learned and tips can help you think “mobile first”

When: Wednesday, July 25, 2-3 p.m. EST

Sign up for free!

July 31: USASearch Mobile Gov Wikithon!

USASearch and the Mobile Gov PMO are teaming up to cohost an “Improving Mobile Search” wikithon where members of the USASearch team will be working on improving their mobile search results and their responsive design implementation.

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