Tribal School Zone Safety

Tribal School Zone Safety: Video & Toolkit Cover

Native Americans have the highest rates of pedestrian injury and death of any group in the United States. In fact, adult pedestrian death rates for Native Americans are almost 3.5 times that of the general population. For Native American children, the pedestrian death rate is almost four times that of the overall population of the United States.

The need to educate younger road users (including drivers, riders, and pedestrians) never ends. To address this need, this DVD contains the following elements (you can preview the videos):

* DVD Videos are Closed Captioned.

To obtain copies of the DVD, please contact:
FHWA Report Center
    Email -
    Phone - (814) 239-1160
    Fax - (814) 239-2156
or Craig Genzlinger, TTP Coordinator
    Email -
    Phone - 406.441.3910