Category Archives: Uncategorized

2012 Economic Census Webinar Assists in Your Response

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Tweet Written by: Bill Bostic The 2012 Economic Census is now in full swing and businesses throughout the U.S. have received the questionnaire.  On Jan. 24, 2013, at 1 p.m. EST, we will host our second webinar.  This hour-long instructional … Continue reading

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Census Data Mapper: Beta Version Now Available

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Tweet Written by:  Stephen F. Jones Are you interested in creating maps that display 2010 Census Population and Housing data for use in reports, presentations, or general viewing?  If so, then the Census Data Mapper is an application you should … Continue reading

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Tweet The purpose of the Census Bureau’s Web 2.0 presence that includes social media channels is to engage residents from across all walks of life in an online platform where they can learn about and share their important topics regarding … Continue reading

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