Tag Archives: education

State and Local Government Workers: Where Do They Work? In our Schools

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Blumerman Yesterday, the Census Bureau released estimates from the 2011 Annual Survey of Public Employment & Payroll.  The total number of state and local government workers in March 2011 declined slightly to 19.4 million.  Where do … Continue reading

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Education Funding: Where do Schools Get Their Money? How do They Spend it?

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Tweet Written by: Lisa Blumerman Our children represent our future — and a good education is essential to theirs. Children use the skills and knowledge they learn in school to establish a firm foundation for their — and in turn … Continue reading

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Science and Engineering Degree Holders Concentrated Along the Coasts

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Tweet Written by Julie Siebens More than 18 million students were enrolled in undergraduate education in 2009. At some point in their education, these students will declare a major field of study. Their chosen fields will influence many other decisions … Continue reading

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Do Higher Degrees Always Pay Off? It Depends

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Tweet Written by Stephanie Ewert Many statistics suggest that education is a key way to improve one’s economic position in life.  Consequently, parents often stress the importance of education to their kids in hopes of ensuring economic success for them … Continue reading

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GED Recipients Have Lower Earnings, are Less Likely to Enter College

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Tweet Written by Stephanie Ewert Although most people complete high school by earning a traditional high school diploma, some complete a high school equivalency by passing the GED test. Most states and many federal programs consider the GED certificate to … Continue reading

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