Monthly Archives: December 2010

At Your Fingertips

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Tweet The Census Bureau announced this morning that the results of the 2010 Census will be released Tuesday, December 21. The Census Bureau is fulfilling its Constitutional mandate through the release of resident population for the nation and states, as … Continue reading

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The Amazing Apportionment Machine

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Tweet Watch video. Apportionment is the process of dividing the seats in the House of Representatives among the 50 states based on the population figures collected during the decennial census. But how does it actually work? Through animation, the US … Continue reading

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Women-Owned Businesses

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Tweet Written by: Tom Mesenbourg, Deputy Director, US Census Bureau In recent decades, the role of women in the United States has undergone significant changes. Data from the Census Bureau allow us to track and quantify these changes over time. … Continue reading

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Holiday Shopping and Stats

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Tweet The holiday season is a time for gathering and celebrating with friends and family, gift-giving, reflection and thanks. It is also time for some serious shopping! In fact, 14 percent of all retail sales last year occurred in December. … Continue reading

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