NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Research and Development


As well as providing production computing services NERSC also participates in research and development activities in order to ensure the high performance computing systems of the future continue to meet the needs of scientists.

Benchmarking & Workload Characterization

NERSC assess available HPC system solutions using a combination of application benchmarks and microbenchmarks. By understanding the requirements of the NERSC workload we drive changes in computing architecture that will result in better HPC system architectures for scientific computing in future generation machines. Read More »

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is gaining a foothold in the business world, but can clouds meet the specialized needs of scientists? That’s the question NERSC’s Magellan cloud computing testbed is exploring. Read More »

Energy Efficient Computing

Read about NERSC's efforts to conserve energy in all operations related to supercomputing. Read More »

Exascale Computing

Learn about NERSC's research and development of exascale computing systems that deliver high impact across science domains, and demonstrate a new model for interaction between laboratories and vendors to create highly effective computing platforms. Read More »

Performance & Monitoring Tools

In order for parallel computers to attain their best performance and utlization, careful attention is needed in monitoring workloads and system resources. Read More »

Petascale Initiative

Alice Koniges (third from left) leads the Computational Science and Engineering Petascale Initiative, which pairs post-doctoral researchers with high-impact projects at NERSC. The post-docs are (from left) Jihan Kim, Filipe Maia, Robert Preissl, Brian Austin, Wangyi (Bobby) Liu , Kirsten Fagnan and Praveen Narayanan. The Computational Science and Engineering Petascale Initiative at LBNL identifies key application areas with specific needs for advanced programming models, algorithms, and… Read More »

Science Gateway Development

Science gateways are conduits for bringing HPC to the web. NERSC assists in the development and hosting of gateways that make NERSC compute and data resources more broadly useful. To ease the development of these gateways, the NERSC Web Toolkit (NEWT) makes science gateways accessible to anyone familiar with HTML and javascript. What are some use cases? A science gateway can be tailored to the needs within a team of researchers allowing them to share data, simulation results, and information… Read More »

Storage and I/O Technologies

Learn more about NERSC research collaborations and system development related to I/O technologies, storage, and systems performance. Read More »


GPUs are becoming more widely used for computational science applications, and GPU testbeds have been requested at the requirements workshops NERSC has been conducting with its users. Read more about these testbeds here... Read More »


An Open-science Three-dimensional Multiphysics Code for Collaboration on  Science Applications Developed by LBNL, LLNL, UCSD and UCLA Non-orthogonal moving mesh with AMR refinement ALE-AMR is both an open science NERSC code and a methodology for modeling a variety of regimes ranging from hot radiating plasmas and warm dense matter to cold fragmenting solids. Applications of the ALE-AMR code include laser/target effects on the NIF laser at LLNL, ion beam target performance on the… Read More »