NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

Euclid - Retired 01/31/2013


Euclid Retirement on 01/31/2013

Euclid was retired on January 31, 2013.  Please refer to the table below on where to migrate your Euclid workloads. Please email if you have any questions. 

Euclid Migration Guide
Workload Where to Run
Simple Interactive Task (Including compiling) Carver/Hopper Login Nodes
Transfer Data/HPSS Access Data Transfer Nodes
Long High Throughput Job Carver serial/long queue, or Hopper Hight Throughput Queue
Large Memory Batch MPP Code Carver Extra-large memory node/reg_xlmem queue 
Large Memory Interactive Job (MPP/Serial) Carver Extra-large memory node/reg_xlmem queue
Everything Else (Including R/Visit) Regular Hopper or Carver

System Status: Unknown

Euclid, named in honor of the ancient Greek mathematician, is a Sun Microsystems Sunfire x4640 SMP. Its unique feature is its single 512 GB shared memory node, which supports a wide variety of data analysis and visualization applications.

Updates and Status

A record of all changes to Euclid as well as current problems. Read More »

Getting started

How to login and write a simple program. Read More »


Euclid consists of one node with 512 GB of shared memory with eight 6 core Opteron 2.6 GHz processors on the node, for a total of 48 cores. Read More »


How to compile and link codes on Euclid. Read More »

Running jobs

Euclid is a single node system with 48 processors. It supports both multiprocessing (MPI) and multithreading programming models. All Euclid jobs are interactive. Read More »

File storage

Euclid has 3 kinds of file systems available to users: home directories, scratch directories and project directories, all provided by the NERSC Global File system. Read More »

Software and Tools

The list of software and tools available on Euclid. Read More »