About the Hawaiian Forecast Office

View of the Honolulu Office  Additional view of the Honolulu Office

National Weather Service Forecast Office
2525 Correa Road, Suite 250
Honolulu, HI 96822-2219

The National Weather Service Forecast Office in Hawaii is conveniently located on the Manoa Campus of the University of Hawaii at Manoa. The office is situated on the second floor the Hawaii Institute for Geophysics (HIG) Building.

DIRECTIONS: From the Honolulu International Airport, get onto the H-1 East. Take the University Avenue off-ramp. Proceed to the first stoplight and take a right onto Dole Street. Proceed on Dole Street until the second stoplight and take a left onto East-West Road. Inform the gate attendant you are visiting the National Weather Service and request a $5 visitor parking pass. Turn left immediately after stopping to obtain the visitor parking pass onto Correa Road. The office is located in the third building on your left hand side.

PARKING: Visitors may park in one of 5 designated NWS visitor parking stalls fronting the office on Correa Road. Visitors must adhere to the University of Hawaii Visitor Parking Policy. Once you park in front of the NWS office, you will also need to obtain a NWS visitor parking pass (free) from the NWS office. Both the UH visitor parking pass and the NWS visitor parking pass will need to be displayed on your dashboard. If the parking stalls in front of our office are full, you may park in other UH designated visitor parking lots and will need to obtain a UH visitor parking pass from one of the automated parking kiosks.

ACCESS: The staircase leading up to our office is marked by the NOAA insignia. Handicapped visitors may proceed past the staircase and down the hallway to the elevator. When exiting the elevator on the second floor, the back entrance is located to your left. Upon entering the office, there is a intercom button to alert staff of your presence. Please press the button and then stand in front of the door so that you can be identified on the security cameras.