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CMC Safety Division

Motorycle Training Courses

The Marine Corps is striving to improve the motorcycle mishap rate by ensuring all Marines have the appropriate motorcycle training. In reference to MARADMIN 707/08, all marines must take the Basic RiderCourseSM (BRC) as well as either the Experienced RiderCourseSM (ERC) for non-sportbike riders or the Military SportBike RiderCourseSM (MSRC) for sportbike riders. The ERC or MSRC should be taken within 120 days of completing the BRC. Marines should consider signing up for these courses as early as possible to avoid possible waiting lists.  Training Matrix

  • Basic RiderCourse (BRC) - The BRC is a two-day course that covers basic motorcycle riding techniques such as stopping, turning, and counter-steering. This course must be taken within 60 days of purchasing a motorcycle. Without BRC training, Marines cannot register their bikes on base.
  • Experienced RiderCourse (ERC) - This course is a follow-up course to the BRC and is required for non-sportbike riders. The ERC is a one-day course that further elaborates good riding habits covered in the BRC and discusses skills needed for survival in traffic.
  • Military SportBike RiderCourse (MSRC) - The MSRC is a “next-level” training course required for sportbike riders who have completed the BRC. This one-day course consists of approximately three hours of classroom interactive lessons and four hours of on-cycle range time.
  • Advanced Rider Track Days (ARTD) - ARTD are intended as continual educational events for riders.  Each event targets individual skill levels and rider abilities under a highly controlled and coached environment.  The focus of these events is to offer riders a higher level of training then can be received in a traditional format.  The Track Day contains all information needed to hold a Track Day at an installation.  As per MARADMIN 0364/09//
Installation Motorcycle Mentorship Organization

As Per MCO 5100.19F   “All O-5 Level Commands and above will establish a club-like organization for motorcycle riders within their commands.  The purpose of this organization will be to identify and mentor young and/or inexperienced riders, foster respectful riding, and improve skills through club rides and club sponsored “track days” or other events.” 

SD is trying to take this one step farther by encouraging command level organizations to sponsor smaller chapters at smaller commands.  I.E.  A battalion has a larger organization, and each company in that battalion will be a chapter of that larger organization. 

charter and guidelines to aid in the set up of the Motorcycle organization is being provided to aid in the process.  (Charter Word Doc

Register for Training

Click Here to register for Navy motorcycle training courses

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