Assisted Living Directory Facilities Information

Assisted Living Facilities Directory

Assisted Living Directory - Assisted Living Facilities Information & Senior Care

We are in an exciting and important time for assisted living! Millions of baby-boomers are getting ready to retire (if they haven't already), and although many of these people are healthy and in great shape, there are thousands in each state who have health issues that make them require assistance in one form or another. This assistance may be simply needing help with day to day tasks such as personal hygiene, or paying bills. Maybe getting around town isn't as easy as it used to be, or help is needed with shopping for groceries.

On the more serious end, there are millions of people that have debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia. These people need around-the-clock supervision, medication management, and help with just about every daily activity.

This is where an assisted living facility can help.

Assisted Living comes in many forms and settings, with widely varying degrees of services, amenities and cost, depending on the facility. An assisted living facility may be in a more rural or country setting that is very home-like. On the other hand, an assisted living facility may look more like an apartment complex, or even a hospital. Definitions can also vary as to what assisted living actually is, and there are different requirements for licensure and different laws governing assisted living facilities from state to state. lists numerous facilities and, at times, other senior care options, organized by state, and then by city. We recommend that if you are looking into assisted living for yourself, or a friend or loved one, that you take ample time to research each facility thoroughly. Visiting the facility you might be interested in is also of utmost importance, as well as checking health and safety records and possible violations that have occurred with the facility.

Assisted Living Directory does not endorse any particular facility on the site. Although we deem all of the information on this site as reliable, it is in no way guaranteed. Facilities are updated or change frequently. Some facilities may also go out of business. If you find any informational errors on our site, please let us know! Our site is intended to be a starting point for your research.

Assisted Living Directory strives to make quality online advertising for assisted living accessible for assisted living facilities of any size.

We wish everyone the best in health and happiness.

What Is Assisted Living?
One of the most common questions we are asked is "What is assisted living?" We hope the following explanation, and video clip will provide you with some insight!

Assisted living generally refers to living with physical assistance rather than monetary assistance. In Assisted Living facilities, residents live independently in apartment style accommodation or a residential setting that offers choices in personal care and health related services.

Assisted living is essentially a senior living option that offers and combines housing, support services and health care, as needed. Some of the assistance offered may include meals, medication management or assistance, bathing and personal hygiene, dressing and transportation to and from shopping, medical, and personal appointments.

Levels of care may differ depending on the assisted living facility. Some facilities may offer only basic levels of care - such as laundry, cleaning, and basic personal care. Other facilities may include help and assistance for memory disorders, Alzheimer's, and other forms of dementia.

The size and location of an assisted living can vary as well. Some assisted living facilities may be located in a residential setting, and may only be able to care for under 10 residents. Other facilities are can be much larger, and may be located within a hospital or other health care facility. Some assisted living facilities may be able to accommodate hundreds of residents.


Assisted Living Directory Original Videos

[Video] Assisted Living Directory Original Video Interview
We recently visited with and interviewed Jean Cannon of Aspen House Memory Care in Loveland CO, and asked her about Aspen House, as well as what she has experienced in terms of the challenges, and rewards of being an owner/administrator of an assisted living facility. See the full interview, or learn more about Aspen House.

Video created May 2011 - Produced by Assisted Living Directory

[Video] What is Assisted Living?

This excellent video explores what you might expect when you live an assisted living community.

New Assisted Living Facility Listing!

Facility Listed 5.13.11

Autumn Years Assisted Living in Historic Downtown Chandler
Downtown Chandler is the perfect setting for our unique 17 room Assisted Living Center. We are small enough to offer a personal touch from our high quality, caring staff, but large enough to offer great benefits such as regular holiday parties, sing-a-longs, arts and crafts, and more.

For a tour and information, contact Jenny or Robyn at 480-899-5306 from 8am-4pm.

Autumn Years Care Center is located at 217 N. Washington St, Chandler AZ 85225
Independent living, assisted living, respite care. AHCCCS insurance welcomed.
More Info

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Let Us Know!
If you are aware of any facility or service listed on our site that has had safety or quality issues, please let us know by using our contact form. We will investigate and remove any service or facility from our directory that we feel does not uphold the highest standards of quality and safety.

As our site is growing, we appreciate our user feedback to inform us of news or issues happening in the assisted living and senior care industries. This helps us to ensure that our site is accurate and useful.

Assisted Living Original Articles & Senior News -
Assisted Living News and Articles

Assisted Living Success Stories & Inspiration
» An Assisted Living Success Story - A personal story of my Aunt who found happiness in an assisted living facility.

Choosing & Researching A Facility
» Facility Size - A discussion about the differences between large and small facilities.
» Assisted Living is Confusing - Why this industry often times leaves people confused.
» Beyond The Brochure - Researching a facility doesn't stop with the brochure..
» Involuntary Discharge - From both the facility and family point of view, how to prepare for and avoid an involuntary discharge from an assisted living facility
» Referral Sites - Are they a good thing?
» The Deposit - Is it refundable?
» The Small Stuff - Paying attention to the details gives a glimpse into the bigger picture at a facility

» Alzheimer's Disease - Symptoms and educational videos.
» Dementia - Learn about the different types of dementia. It isn't always "Alzheimer's." We discuss Lewy Body Dementia, Vascular Dementia and Frontotemporal Dementia.
» Parkinson's Disease and Assisted Living - Assisted Living can offer an important and viable living & housing alternative for individuals affected by Parkinson's Disease - a progressive and debilitating disease. Assisted Living can also provide substantial relief to those who have assumed the role as caregiver for someone with Parkinson's.

Death & Dying
» Creating Courage Around Death & Dying - This guest article is for the caregiver, assisted living resident or a family member of someone who is ill or dying (written by Rev. Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund)

Equipment & Facility Supplies
» Walk-In Bathtubs - Can make any bathroom safer, especially in an assisted living environment.

Health & Happiness
» Avoiding Assisted Living - I would venture to say that given the choice, we would prefer to live with family, a spouse, or friends, or even alone in an independent environment, taking care of ourselves and enjoying all of our personal freedoms that our able bodies and minds allow us to do when they are working properly. Here's how my parents and mother-in-law seem to be doing it!

» Communicating With Mom and Dad - More than just a simple "hello' - communicating with mom and dad, especially if they live in an assisted living facility can provide important insights into their health and well-being.

» Checking In on Mom and Dad - The holidays offer a unique opportunity to check in on mom and dad in person. This can help you to assess how they are doing, and whether extra help, or an alternative living arrangement - such as assisted living - should be considered.

Assisted Living Blog

» Marketing your facility - In this competitive industry, how can you best get the word out about yours? Various strategies are discussed here.

Recommended Reading
» The Most Important Day of Your Life: Are You Ready?

Regulations & Oversight
» Pennsylvania Regulations - are they just 'window dressing?'
» Sanitation and Food Safety In Assisted Living Facilities - Who regulates the industry?

Safety & Security Issues
» Identifying Elder Abuse - The signs may not always be obvious.
» Locks and Peepholes - Very important items if you live in an assisted living facility, but do they work, and can you reach them?
» Wandering - A big security issue in many facilities

Senior Issues
» Being An Assertive Senior - Get your tough questions answered, and get a second opinion!

» Managing and Minimizing Grief and Loneliness - We recently visited an assisted living/memory care facility and witnessed some of the strategies used by the facility to manage loneliness and grief.

Support For Families and Caregivers
» Area Agencies on Aging - What they are, and how they can help families, seniors, and caregivers

Tips, Tools & "How To"
» How To Open An Assisted Living Facility - Hopefully this page will be a good nudge in the right direction!
» Memory Boxes - Help confused or disoriented residents with this simple tool.

Types of Facilities
» Assisted Living For Obesity? Is there such a thing?
» Assisted Living For Veterans - Listings of assisted living facilities geared specifically for military veterans.

» Check out our glossary of terms for the assisted living market!

» Our Mission: Assisted Living Directory strives to make quality online advertising accessible and affordable for assisted living facilities of any size.

Videos and Interviews having to do with Assisted Living and Facilities

Assisted Living Facilities, News & Senior Care

All information on this website is deemed reliable but not guaranteed
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