• U.S. Department of Energy
  • Fermilab



Barbara Brooks x5021

Training Specialst
Nicole Gee x3697

HR Assistant:
Karen Karlix x4365

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum covers four broad topics.

Leadership/Management- The leadership/management curriculum is designed to meet the needs of new and experienced managers, supervisors and team leaders. The focus is on developing competencies in: identifying and selecting talent; coaching, developing, and working collaboratively with employees; managing a diverse workforce; managing within the law; and understanding Fermilab HR policies and practices.

View available Leadership/Management courses

Computer- We offer a core curriculum of on-site computer training courses in the areas of database design, drawing/modeling techniques, multimedia presentations, programming, spreadsheet design, web development, and word processing. Courses outside of the core curriculum can be brought on site by customer request.

View available Computer courses

Professional Development- The professional development curriculum is designed to meet the ongoing professional development needs of all employees. The focus is on developing non-technical competencies in areas such as: verbal and written communication, customer relations, project management, etc.

View available Professional Development courses

Technical Courses- We will work with subject matter experts in your division to arrange on-site technical courses. We will assist you with: training needs assessment, identification of training audience, vendor/consultant sourcing, scheduling, advertising, facilities, and course evaluation. Previous technical courses include Brazing, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, and Pressure Vessel Training. Contact Nicole Gee, Manager, at x3697.

View available Technical Courses