Department of State (DoS)

The U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator reports directly to the Secretary of State. At the direction of the Secretary, the Department of State's support for the Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator (OGAC) includes:

  • Providing human resources services;
  • Tracking budgets within its accounting system;
  • Transferring funds to other implementing agencies; and
  • Providing office space, communication, and information technology services.

Chiefs of Mission provide essential leadership to interagency HIV/AIDS teams and, along with other U.S. officials, engage in policy discussions with host-country leaders to generate additional attention and resources for the pandemic and ensure strong partner coordination. The Coordinator has also created the PEPFAR Small Grants Programs, in order to make funds available to Ambassadors for support of local projects. These projects have been developed with extensive community involvement in coordination with local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and municipalities and are targeted at the specific needs of the host country.

In addition, the State Department's programs under both the Freedom Support Act and the Support for Eastern European Democracies Act contribute to combating the HIV/AIDS pandemic under the Emergency Plan. Through its embassies in 162 countries, the Department also implements a variety of diplomatic initiatives and other community-based HIV/AIDS programs, most of which focus on prevention. The embassies also use the tools of public diplomacy to reach out through print and electronic media, facilitate exchange programs, and engage new partners for PEPFAR. U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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