Posts Tagged With: forest industry

Latest Forest Inventory for Kentucky

Forest area remains same, growth rate still greater than removal rate. According to the update recently released by the Southern Research Station (SRS) Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program, forest land in Kentucky covers an estimated 12.4 million acres, remaining the same from he last reported data. The report—compiled from data collected by the Kentucky … Continue reading »

Categories: Forest Inventory & Analysis, Forest Landowners | Tags: | Comments Off

Georgia Forests, 2011

Forest area remains the same, while ownership changes Georgia contains the largest area of forest cover of any state in the South, with forests making up 67 percent of land cover or 24.8 million acres, according to a Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) factsheet recently released by the Southern Research Station (SRS). While this land area … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics & Policy, Forest Inventory & Analysis | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off

Recession Effects on Southern Forest Industries

  Economic conditions from 2005 to 2010 accelerated sawmill closings and job losses and affected timber management across the southern United States, according to a report recently published online by the Southern Research Station (SRS) Forest and Inventory Analysis (FIA) unit. Authored by Tom Brandeis, team leader for the FIA Resource Analysis Team, with fellow … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics & Policy, Forest Inventory & Analysis, Forest Landowners | Tags: , , | Comments Off