Insects and Diseases

New Books on Forest Landscape Restoration

Two new books link natural and social sciences U.S. Forest Service scientists made significant contributions to two related books recently published by Springer:  Forest Landscape Restoration: Integrating Natural and Social Sciences and A Goal-Oriented Approach to Forest landscape Restoration. Forest Service Southern Research Station (SRS) scientist John Stanturf served as lead editor on both books, … Continue reading »

Categories: Economics & Policy, Ethics & Values, Fire, Fish & Wildlife, Forest Landowners, Insects and Diseases, Invasive Plants, Restoration, Threats | Tags: , , | Comments Off

Protect Ash Trees: Don’t Move Firewood!

“The number one strategy for preventing further spread of the emerald ash borer? Don’t move firewood,” says Paul Merten, entomologist with U.S. Forest Service Forest Health Protection unit. “Emerald ash borer larvae tunnel into trees underneath the bark, and cutting a tree into firewood does not kill them. They can emerge as adult beetles ready … Continue reading »

Categories: Forest Health Protection, Insects and Diseases, Threats | Tags: , | Comments Off

Emerald Ash Borers Invade Southeastern Forests

  The emerald ash borer is one of the most destructive forest pests introduced to North America in recent years. Adult beetles merely nibble on the leaves of native ash trees, but their larvae burrow through the inner bark of the tree, leaving a trail of snaky galleries that permanently scar the tree and make … Continue reading »

Categories: Forest Health Protection, Insects and Diseases, Threats | Tags: | Comments Off