U.S. Senator Chris Coons of Delaware

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Currently showing results related to Environment

December 2012
Carper, Coons, Carney Highlight Nanticoke River Dredging Project
Delaware Congressional Delegation highlights Delaware recipients of 2012 Environmental Justice Small Grants
November 2012
Senator Coons applauds Senate progress on Sportsmen’s Act
August 2012
Carper, Coons, Carney congratulate Maryland delegation for funding to construct the C&D Canal Trail
July 2012
Senators Carper, Coons highlight conservation accomplishments in Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Carper, Coons, Carney break ground on the Michael N. Castle Trail at the C&D Canal
April 2012
Carper, Coons, Carney announce $600,000 federal loan and grant for Kent County sewer system
February 2012
DE Congressional Delegation announces $1.8 Million in funding for Nanticoke River dredging
November 2011
Senators Coons, Casey, and Toomey file amendment that would increase chances for Delaware River dredging
Senator Coons congratulates Senator Carper on important progress on bill to create a national park in Delaware
Senator Coons’ bill to expand White Clay Creek voted out of committee
October 2011
Delaware's Congressional Delegation celebrates inclusion of Del. National Park as part of President's America's Great Outdoors Initiative
In visit to solar-powered farm, Senator Coons trumpets investments in renewable energy
Resolution honoring C&D Canal anniversary expected to pass Senate tonight
Senator Coons kicks off National Wildlife Refuge Week with visit to Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Smyrna
Delaware Congressional Delegation hails grant award for Delaware City and C&D Canal Trail Project
September 2011
Senators Carper, Coons join bipartisan group of senators to announce formation of oceans caucus
Delaware’s Congressional delegation, state leaders announce new funding and plans for C&D Canal Recreation Trail
August 2011
Carper, Coons, Carney announce more than $48,900 to boost energy efficiency practices in rural businesses
Senator Coons offers support for President Obama’s jobs initiatives for rural America