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Environmental Program Areas » Cultural Resources

Evidence of Hawaii's remarkable past survives today in archaeological sites and notable historic structures throughout the islands. The U.S. Army Garrison has stewardship over 164,000 acres on the islands of Oahu and Hawaii. Army lands contain more than 1,300 prehistoric archaeological sites, including temple structures, stone markers, fishing shrines, habitation sites, caves, rockshelters, mounds, burial platforms, earth ovens, stone walls and enclosures, agricultural terraces, irrigation canals, petroglyphs and trails.

Archaeological sites are "non-renewable resources". Each terrace, each heiau, adze or fishhook is unique and are traces of the ancestors who walked the same lands we occupy today. Once destroyed, these sites and objects can never be recreated. The Army Cultural Resources Program manages these finite and fragile resources in compliance with laws and regulations to preserve and enhance their value for future generations.

Both natural occurrences and human activities threaten fragile archaeological sites and historic properties. Cultural resources can be impacted by naturally occurring erosion, pedestrian and animal traffic, and aggressive vegetation. Human activities that cause ground disturbance can alter or destroy cultural resources and include the development of new facilities, construction of underground utilities, cleaning of vegetation, detonation of explosives, military training exercises and live fire activity, vandalism, looting, theft, and hazardous waste remediation.

The U.S. Army Garrison Hawaii established the Cultural Resources Program in 1995. The program began with one program manager and a small number of archaeologists. Today, the program has grown to a staff of 15 highly trained cultural resource experts, including archaeologists, a historic architect, and specialists in curation and outreach. Currently, the Army spends approximately $3 to 4 million each year statewide to protect Hawaii's cultural resources

» Conduct field surveys to identify, record, map, and document sites
» Consult Native Hawaiian organizations and other interested parties to facilitate site identification and interpretation, determine appropriate methods of site protection as needed, and gather recommendations on proper protocols, rehabilitation, landscaping, and preservation.
» Maintain and update a comprehensive database of site discoveries and status
» Monitor condition of archaeological sites on ranges for pedestrian, animal, and raining damage
» Determine, implement, and monitor site protection measures
» Verify the locations of sites and map new sites with Global Positioning System (GPS) technology
» Evaluate sites to determine eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places
» Survey and map lava tube systems at Pohakuloa Training Area through partnerships with the Big Island caving community
» Followed the process defined in the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) to complete all repatriations of human remains. Currently maintain four burial crypts for the repatriated remains.

» Manage 795 historic buildings and structures partially contained within two National Historic Landmark Districts (Wheeler Army Airfield and Palm Circle, Fort Shafter) and two Historic Districts (Kilauea Military Camp and Schofield Barracks)
» Monitor restorations of and modifications to historic properties
» Oversee privatized historic family housing
» Assess condition of and conduct research on buildings over 45 years of age
» Maintain DOD Integrated Facilities System database for maintenance and repair of historic buildings

» Care and conservation of artifacts and historical documents to ensure long-term preservation at a small curation facility at PTA and a new facility at Schofield Barracks
» Develop and maintain database to track projects, technical reports, photographs, artifacts, and other archived materials
» Oversee the recovery and curation of artifacts collected during earlier surveys and held temporarily by permitted archaeological consultants prior to the completion of an adequate Army curation facility

» Promote soldier and public awareness of the unique cultural resources at USAG-HI via tours, brochures, posters, websites, articles and in-briefs
» Provide hands-on educational activities and tours for schools and community organizations
» Facilitate access to archaeological resources within Army installations, including court stipulated access to Makua Military Reservation for Native Hawaiian community groups

» 1999 - Secretary of the Army Environmental Award for Cultural Resources Management Individual
» 2004 - Secretary of the Army Environmental Award for Cultural Resources Management Installation
» 2005 - Historic Hawaii Foundation Historic Preservation Honor Award for the Restoration of Officers' Quarters at Palm Circle, Fort Shafter
» 2008 - Historic Hawaii Foundation Historic Preservation Honor Award for Centennial Improvements at Palm Circle, Fort Shafter
» 2008 - Historic Hawaii Foundation Historic Preservation Award for the Renovations of the Quadrangle Barracks at Schofield Barracks

Not Applicable

Cultural resources related records can be found at Schofield barracks Building 494.

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (P.L. 108-72) requires federal agencies to take into account the effects of their "undertakings" on cultural resources that are on or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

Procedures for consultation under Section 106 are issued by the Advisory Counsil on Historic Preservation (ACHP), an independent federal agency that oversees the Section 106 process to ensure it is being conducted correctly. The current regulations are published in the Code of Federal Regulations at 36 C.F.R. Part 800, "Protection of Historic Properties," and can be found on the website of the Advisory Council at

The Section 106 review process gives you the opportunity to alert the federal government to the historic properties you value and influence decisions about projects that affect them. You or your organization may want to take a more active role inSection 106 review, especially if you have a legal, economic, or other interest in the project or the affected properties.

For more information on Section 106 and how to participate, download Protecting Historic Properties: A CITIZEN'S GUIDE TO SECTION 106 REVIEW by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

You or your organization may write to the US Army Garrison Hawaii asking to become a consulting party. Submit your request from the comments/questions section of our website: or call the above contact information number.

Archeology Makua Panoramic Valley View
Archeology Trifold
Quad F Theater Restoration
Schofield Barracks
Makua Cultural Resources
Historic Architecture & Sustaining Communities Seibert Stake Site Preservation

» Archaeological Sites» Historic Architecture

State Historic Preservation Division
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
Historic Hawaii Foundation
National Park Service
US Army Environmental Command
US Department of the Interior
How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties: 36 CFR Part 68
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation
Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation
National Register Publications
National Park Service "Links to the Past" Publications
National Park Service Preservation Briefs
Preserve America
National Register of Historic Places
National Park Service Tribal Preservation Program
National Park Service Archeology and Ethnography Program
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Tribal Point of Contact Database
Technical Preservation Services for Historic Buildings
National Center for Preservation Technology and Training
National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers
National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Environmental Topics from A to Z
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