Policy and Evaluation Division



“It doesn’t matter which door you came in.

What counts is what you do once you’re inside.”

-Mona Lake Jones





Policy and Evaluation Team Members


Jorge Ponce


Policy and Evaluation Division


Senora (Gwendolyn) Coggs

Senior Policy Advisor,

Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs),

Federal Women's, Native American,

and African American programs


Laura Tronge

Senior Policy Advisor,

Disability Program,

U.S. Access Board issues,

New Freedom Initiative issues,

Reasonable Accommodation Global Issues,

Asian American/Pacific Islander programs.


Cristina Bartolomei

EEO Manager,

Hispanic Program,

LEP Initiatives, Webmaster





Women’s Equality Day

September 15-October 15

Hispanic Heritage Month


Disability Employment Awareness Month


American Indian Heritage Month


Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday


Black History Month


Women’s History Month


Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month

LGBT Awareness Month

*Optional commemorative programs




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Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Commerce

Send questions and comments about this page to cbartolomei@doc.gov
Page last updatedMay 10, 2011