Hispanic Employment initiatives


Welcome to the Hispanic Employment Initiatives (HEI) website, brought to you by the Department of Commerce (DOC).


Hispanic Employment Initiatives are part of the Department’s efforts to address and assist in reversing the underrepresentation and underutilization of Hispanics at DOC and better serve the nation's Hispanic community. DOC Hispanic Employment Initiatives seek to recruit talented candidates for employment with DOC; retain, promote, and develop current employees; and create a pipeline for addressing current and future workforce needs. Hispanic Employment Initiatives are tied to DOC’s Policy on Equal Employment Opportunity. Through Hispanic Employment Initiatives, DOC is seeking to build relationships with Hispanic communities and engage them in DOC’s mission of ensuring and enabling this Nation’s economic growth and development. Hispanic Employment Initiatives call for strengthening DOC’s outreach activities in a comprehensive effort to promote partnership opportunities with the Hispanic community in three critical areas: employment, education, and business opportunities.






Office of Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Commerce

Send questions and comments about this page to cbartolomei@doc.gov
Page last updatedOctober 16, 2012