HUD Archives: News Releases

HUD No. 00-201
Further Information: For Release
In the Washington, DC area: 202/708-0685 Wednesday
Or contact your local HUD office August 30, 2000


WASHINGTON - Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo and University of Maryland President C.D. Mote Jr. announced today that the University's School of Public Affairs will join with HUD to offer a master's of public policy in public housing administration. The pilot program will accept from 20-25 candidates for classes beginning in January 2001.

"One of our Nation's biggest challenges during the next decade and beyond will be to complete the transformation of public housing so that residents live in safe and vibrant communities where economic opportunity exists," Cuomo said. "Much of the responsibility for completing this makeover will rest on the shoulders of the men and women who run public housing authorities. This new master's program will help ensure that we have a superbly trained corps of public housing experts ready to meet this challenge."

"The University of Maryland is pleased to partner with HUD and to be at the forefront in educating public housing managers in this much-needed area of study," Mote said. "This program will provide the ‘best and the brightest' housing professionals with the expertise needed to lead and manage public housing authorities."

Harold Lucas, HUD Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, made public the details of the program today at the Public Housing Reform Act Training Conference for public housing and Section 8 officials in Atlanta, Ga.

According to Lucas, to be considered for the program, a candidate must have: graduated from a four-year college or university with at least a 3.0 grade point average; five years of public housing experience; have promotion potential there or at HUD; and agree to work for the public housing authority currently employing the candidate for three years upon completion of the program.

Lucas said that HUD will pay the estimated $21,500 cost of tuition, fees and books for 20-25 candidates in the program. HUD's contribution will be structured as a forgivable loan, with one-
third of the obligation retired after each of the three successive years that the candidate works for a housing authority following completion of the degree.

Each candidate's current employer will be expected to provide the student leave with pay and provide funds for lodging and travel, if necessary.

The 12-month curriculum will include six courses in managing public housing authorities and six courses in public policy. The management courses include topics such as housing finance, asset management, community development, managing social services, leadership, principles and practices in public housing management and evaluation of welfare reform. The public policy courses include topics such as political analysis, microeconomics, finance, moral dimensions in public policy and management strategies in public organizations.

Candidates will also be required to complete a special project in an area of interest to HUD and a housing authority. Course work will be supplemented by field trips to housing developments and other sites, and meetings with Members of Congress, senior HUD staff or housing sector representatives. Each candidate will have a mentor experienced in housing development or management.

Since 1994, the Maryland School of Public Affairs (MSPA) and HUD have offered several executive education programs for housing professionals in the areas of housing and community development.

"This program fits squarely into the School's mission to provide current and future leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to craft and implement public policies in a complex policy environment," MSPA Dean Susan C. Schwab said. "The new partnership is a logical extension of the School's long term association with HUD and other professionals from the housing and community development community."

The MSPA has offered credit and non-credit courses in community and affordable housing development to more than 2,500 participants from HUD, the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Defense, housing authorities, state housing finance agencies and not-for-profit organizations such as the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation and the Enterprise Foundation. MSPA has been rated by U.S. News and World Report as among the top 20 schools of public policy and management

The first class will be selected jointly by the University and HUD. Applications are due September 29, and admissions decisions are expected by October 27. Application forms may be obtained from or by calling the University's Office of Research and Graduate Studies at 301/405-8222.

HUD administers federal aid to approximately 3400 local housing agencies nationwide that serve approximately 3 million families in public housing and the Section 8 voucher programs.


Content Archived: December 13, 2009